• The office or power of a censor; as, to stand for a censorship.Holland.The press was not indeed at that moment under a general censorship.Macaulay.

    Censorship meaning & definition 1 of Censorship.

    1. What lazy parents use as an excuse to not want to teach their children what is and isn't acceptable to view. Proven to be useless because all it does is make the children even more curious as to why it is censored.

    2. What the government uses to keep the dumb masses from finding out the truth about its corruption and incompetence.

    Censorship meaning & definition 2 of Censorship.

  • Legal vandalization of art.

    Censorship meaning & definition 3 of Censorship.

  • Violation of the 1st Amendment.

    Censorship meaning & definition 4 of Censorship.

  • An easy substitute for lazy parents that shouldn't have had children in the first place if they cant teach them the difference between right and wrong.

    Censorship meaning & definition 5 of Censorship.

  • censorship is @#%!#

    Censorship meaning & definition 6 of Censorship.

  • Preventing details of songs, movies, or any other form of entertainment that parents think is obsene. This ruins many movies/television shows because many things like gore, sex, violence, swears, gay relationships, drug useage, and other things are completely left out. Also, censorship is responsible for starting many useless parent groups that try to prevent anyone under the age of 18 from listening to music with profanity, watching movies, or watching TV. In other words, censorship needs to stop NOW!

    Censorship meaning & definition 7 of Censorship.

  • a means of sheltering minors from the world or any matierial that may not be politically correct.

    Censorship meaning & definition 8 of Censorship.

  • A way of changing someone's work to make it so nobody is offended by it. Censorship terminates swearing, violence, sex, and other things that people see everyday. Censorship goes against a person's right to free speech, so do NOT support it! Censorship also totally disrespects the person who wrote it.

    Censorship meaning & definition 9 of Censorship.

  • What creationists love to do on youtube.

    Censorship meaning & definition 10 of Censorship.

    1. A tool of the dictators like the right-wing.

    2. A republican's best friend.

    3. The reason why anime on TV sucks, buy the video/DVD or make a club or download anime.

    4. Whats holding back the U.S.

    5. A scapcoat for bad pareting.

    6. Something the IC channel (the only channel I know in the U.S) does not use.

    Censorship meaning & definition 11 of Censorship.

  • the act of censoring books, films, etc.:

    Censorship meaning & definition 12 of Censorship.

  • The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.

    Censorship meaning & definition 13 of Censorship.

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