1. A guy was hit in his [pubic] region in a [tv show] is perceived as funny, a joke.

    2. A lady was hit in her pubic region in a tv show is perceived as offensive, [malicious] and very much inappropriate.

    Sexism meaning & definition 1 of Sexism.

  • Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

    Sexism meaning & definition 2 of Sexism.

  • sexism is a subject invented and studied by feminists. They held a [hypothesis] that the [lexicon], [grammatical] structure, etc. of a language contain features that makes woman excluded, insulted or unimportant.

    Sexism meaning & definition 3 of Sexism.

  • [A way of life] like welfare for black people. now stop [bitching] and [get back to the kitchen].

    Sexism meaning & definition 4 of Sexism.

  • something that has [worked] for [the past] [2000] years.

    Sexism meaning & definition 5 of Sexism.

  • gay white [conservative] males being mean to [niggers] and [jews]

    Sexism meaning & definition 6 of Sexism.

  • An attempt for ignorant women to [complain] that they arent [treated] [equal], when they are.

    Sexism meaning & definition 7 of Sexism.

  • Unfair discrimination of both [genders], male and female. There are many examples of it, and it attacks both genders.

    Porn, because it makes females look like sex objects/increases males expectations
    How gym coaches go [easy on] females, but treat males like crap no matter how good they do. 5 pushups is good for a female, but 25 is bad for a male
    How females can get a boyfriend with no effort on their part, but its very hard for males
    How skinny males are seen as weak nerds, but skinny females are seen as hot

    [Summing] this up, a males life is harder

    Sexism meaning & definition 8 of Sexism.

  • Men have to live by [the rules] [women] [invent], but women dont.

    Sexism meaning & definition 9 of Sexism.

  • (actions based on) the belief that the members of one sex are less intelligent, able, skilful, etc. than the members of the other sex, especially that women are less able than men:

    Sexism meaning & definition 10 of Sexism.

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