• An online and alternate reality/ [augmented reality] “puzzle” spanning several countries over the last 6 years. Players claim to be given orders to complete small tasks and are provided with “keys” in exchange. [Shepherds maze] is almost definitely tied to [falkens maze], another, more exclusive game with less than 100 players in North America that often travel and meet in person to obtain keys and perform tasks.

    Shepherds maze meaning & definition 1 of Shepherds maze.

  • Shepherds maze ([sheps] maze) is a highly secretive but allegedly exciting online alternate reality game in which players can join by invitation only and is loosely based on a bizarre journal found to have belonged to a [paranoid schizophrenic] in GA. Aspects of the game are taken directly from the journal in a way that re-enacts scenarios described within. Snapshots of the journal have been seen [on Imgur] and reddit under fake/ghost/newly created usernames but are usually deleted before anyone has had a chance to save them.

    Shepherds maze meaning & definition 2 of Shepherds maze.

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