• Having a stomach that is easily or nauseated; hence, nice toexcess in taste; fastidious; easily disgusted; apt to be offended attrifling improprieties.Quoth he, that honor's very squeamish That takes a basting for ablemish. Hudibras.His muse is rustic, and perhaps too plain The men of squeamish tasteto entertain. Southern.So ye grow squeamish, Gods, and sniff at heaven. M. Arnold.

    Squeamish meaning & definition 1 of Squeamish.

  • Term mostly used in the UK. When one is averse to overt displays of gore and blood, particularly of the kind displayed in violent/teen slasher films/medical dramas, or when subjected to them in real life (e.g. an accident, dissecting an organ in school) is likely to faint or be sick. Can also include dislike and strong desire to avoid images of violence or pain, such as injecting oneself.

    Squeamish meaning & definition 2 of Squeamish.

  • Basically being a huge pussy.

    Squeamish meaning & definition 3 of Squeamish.

  • easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of:

    Squeamish meaning & definition 4 of Squeamish.

  • (of a person) easily made to feel sick, faint, or disgusted, especially by unpleasant images, such as the sight of blood.

    Squeamish meaning & definition 5 of Squeamish.

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