Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
Any furniture, movable, or personal chattel, which by law orspecial custom descends to the heir along with the inheritance; anypiece of personal property that has been in a family for severalgenerations.Woe to him whose daring hand profanes The honored heirlooms of hisancestors. Moir.
Heirloom meaning & definition 1 of Heirloom.
Something, like a piece of [jewellery] or an [antique], that has been passed down in a family line. These things often have great sentimental value, whether they are worth a lot of money or not.
[Heir] - a descendant
[Loom] - a toolHeirloom meaning & definition 2 of Heirloom.
a valuable object that has been given by older members of a family to younger members of the same family over many years:
Heirloom meaning & definition 3 of Heirloom.
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