• A small hard inflamed spot on the skin.

    Pimple meaning & definition 1 of Pimple.

  • A pus-filled [legion] on ones body, due to buildup of dirt and [bacteria] in the [pore].

    Pimple meaning & definition 2 of Pimple.

  • Misconceptions about [acne]:
    There are many myths about what causes acne. Greasy foods and chocolate are often blamed, but foods have little effect on the development and course of acne in people. Another common misconception is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and other acne lesions are not caused by dirt. Stress does not directly cause acne either. It is true, though, that anger and stress affect [hormone] levels and thus bodily oil production, which can cause acne. People of all ages and races can get acne. It is most common in adolescents and some young adults. 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 develop acne. For most people, acne tends to go away around the time they reach their [thirties]; however, some people in their [forties] and [fifties] continue to have this skin problem.
    To see the effects of HORMONES on the skin, just look at a very large [weightlifter]/[bodybuilder]. If they have a lot of pimples on their back or arms or shoulders or even some on their face and they are in their late 20s or 30s or older, the cause of this is NOT puberty; but excess Testosterone which is proof that acne is directly related to hormone balance or imbalance. Women will sometimes get acne around the time of their menstrual cycle...a time of hormonal changes. You will likely notice that young [pubescent] males get far worse acne than girls. This likely shows that Testosterone is the KEY cause of this [malady]. Women have testosterone in their systems as well.

    Pimple meaning & definition 3 of Pimple.

  • [the bane] of [teenage] [existance]

    Pimple meaning & definition 4 of Pimple.

  • Its [whats poppin].

    Pimple meaning & definition 5 of Pimple.

  • When you are a teenager and get something called [acne]
    It’s a big [bump], usually [on your face], that is white and really gross.

    Pimple meaning & definition 6 of Pimple.

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