• A female Filipino.

    Filipina meaning & definition 1 of Filipina.

  • Filipinas are not mixed. Genetic studies said that 99% of [Filipinos] are fully Asian. We do not [owe] our beauty to Spanish people or mixing. That is a myth that Filipinos are mixed with Spanish. We have Spanish last names because they forced us to [adopt] Spanish last names. They arent, Filipinos get 0% Spanish blood when they do DNA tests.

    Filipina meaning & definition 2 of Filipina.

  • A person who comes from the philippines.They are quite different from other asians like chinese,vietnamese,japanese,korean etc etc....... they are more [bustier],sexier,darker skin,they dont sound like them.A race who are very good to mix wiv other races to make [choong] kids. Race who treats their partner like a king!!! They are not [mean people] they are very friendly. They are smart and usually have strict parents and they usually [eat rice]. No one is full filipino they might call them full maybe becoz theyre parents are both filipino but no one is, they are all mixed race of chinese, spanish, indonesia,black.... usually have long hair....

    Filipina meaning & definition 3 of Filipina.

  • [Asian female] mixed with latino. Very feminine, kind, happy. Their darker complexion make them much prettier and sexy than other asian females. They are hard and talented worker with life values and priorities typically ordered as: family, money, sex, gossip, love. [Filipina] without job usually ask for money for their family and kids. Filipina with a job are more interested in foreign citizenship and sex. Because they are educated and polite they are also very hypocrite. They love gossip and they are facebook addicted. They have strong beliefs and they always consider themselves right. Because of this mindset and their relative [small head], they can become very arrogant dickheads. They are very social and loyal to their ethnic group with the tendence to act as mafia. They love sex and they fully [enjoy it], making them great sex partners.

    Filipina meaning & definition 4 of Filipina.

  • a woman from the Philippines

    Filipina meaning & definition 5 of Filipina.

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