• The most kindest and [sweetest girl] you will ever meet. She may be quiet at first but once you get to know her she will be the craziest and [funnest] person youve ever met. Usually a brunette but can also be a blonde. If you ever need advice talk to Savannah, she has the best advice. If you ever meet a Savannah be sure to say hi because you wont regret it. Oh and did I mention [Savannahs] make good girlfriends.

    Savannah meaning & definition 1 of Savannah.

  • A beautiful, smart, bright girl. She always has a smile in her face but shes most likely [hurting] inside. She holds everything thing so she doesnt hurt anyone. Shes extremely outgoing. She always puts others before herself and is probably the most [trustworthy] person youll ever meet. She can also be [a perfect] girlfriend. No one compares

    Savannah meaning & definition 2 of Savannah.

  • She is usually blond, occasionally [brunet]. She has a great sense of humor and is very athletic and tall. Savannah is very [smart girl], with some very dumb moments;). Savannah is a girl who can take a lot before she breaks, and is very good at hiding things about her self. She is a wonderful friend who you can tell anything, and she will be there. One thing about Savannah is, you can call her Pretty, Beautiful, Gorgeous, ECT. But no matter how many times you tell her and honestly mean it, She will never believe you fully. Savannah needs people there for her also, dont just [rely] on her then leave. She wont [say anything] but [that really hurts] her. She is very a very strong person to some extent, when she really trust you be ready because she will break. And thats when she will need you most, and your and idiot not to be there then. Overall if you know a Savannah Keep her close and NEVER let her go. Oh and by the way if you are lucky enough to date(or even marry)her she will be faithful and never leave you!

    Savannah meaning & definition 3 of Savannah.

  • A truly unique girl. Usually blonde, but so much more attractive when a brunette. An intelligent person. Some times said to have an old soul. Usually a very talented person. Either in music or sports. She is a caring and sincere person. A definite leader. She is [strong willed] and [hard headed]. In most cases with an occasional temper. She is absolutely beautiful, inside and out. She is hilarious and can make, most anyone laugh. She is [a true friend] to all. An amazing companion and girlfriend. Will make any man an excellent wife. She is passionate, loving, and understanding. Just dont make her mad. A true, lucky find. Once you have her in your life, dont let her go.

    Savannah meaning & definition 4 of Savannah.

  • Savannah is a free-spirted girl, shes always in her own world and she likes it like that because thats her escape. Shes a [dreamer] and determined to make her mark on the world.She always seems happy but dont let [that fool] you she has her occasional dark moments but you just have to love her even more through them. She will play hard to get but thats [just cause] she doesnt want you to give up. She pushes people away so you really have to show her you care or she wont think you do.

    Savannah meaning & definition 5 of Savannah.

  • Normally blonds or [brunettes], rarely with super dark hair but are prettier that way. Are amazing at school but doesnt even try! Is a great dancer and singer! Is bad at spelling but who cares? She is super smart but may have her occasional blond moments or word [slips]. Has an amazing body and a beautiful face and every guy, single or not, wants to make out with her because she is so beautiful and sexy! She is super nice once you get to know her. She has a wicked sense of humor that may be slightly dirty but is always hilarious. She will keep you laughing forever. Savannah is precious and has absolutely no idea how AMAZING she is. Comfort her when she needs it. She has an amazing personality and it may seem like she has [a perfect life]. but dont let [that fool] you! She has some very deep problems and [troubles] at home, if she tells you about them, dont tell anyone else. She hardly trusts anyone because she is scared of [getting hurt], and if she trusts you, consider yourself very special.

    When she meets you, she will [mold] to what you want you best friend to be. But she will never forget her [true self]. She will keep trying to find people until when she tries to mold into their best friend, she is just her self. She will never leave your side, no matter how good of a friend you are to her. She will stay with you, never harm you or lie to you, even if the truth hurts. Once you have her, dont let her go.

    Savannah meaning & definition 6 of Savannah.

  • Brunette Savannah’s are the most attractive, with light color eyes you can get lost in. Her personality makes you fall [head over heels] for. One of the few women that can consistently make you laugh in your life. She seems outgoing on the surface, but only opens up how she actually feels to her closest friends. If you are lucky enough to be [fancied] by a Savannah, you probably [play baseball], don’t let her walk away, she’s special. Savannah’s are making Tik Tok’s 24/7 and are a bundle of energy.

    A compassionate partner that will always steer you in the right direction. Curvy, athletic body.

    Savannah meaning & definition 7 of Savannah.

  • A port in Georgia, just south of the border with South Carolina, on the Savannah River close to its outlet on the Atlantic; population 132,410 (est. 2008).

    Savannah meaning & definition 8 of Savannah.

  • a large, flat area of land covered with grass, usually with few trees, that is found in hot countries, especially in Africa

    Savannah meaning & definition 9 of Savannah.

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