• (c.1097–1154), grandson of William the Conqueror, king of England 1135–54. Stephen seized the throne from Matilda after the death of Henry I. Civil war followed until Matilda was defeated and forced to leave England in 1148.

    Stephen meaning & definition 1 of Stephen.

  • Stephen will [drive you] wild, he is the most caring, loving, deep, devoted boyfriend in the entire universe. I love him to death. [Stephens] like to know they are cared for, so make sure you tell them how special they are to you as much as you can. Stephens are the kind of people who could come into your life in [two seconds] and leave a mark. People may tell you how to feel about him, but never listen. Nothing is worth losing him. Stephens tend to [dwell] in the past a lot. They feel like the past is just as important as today, so try not to make mistakes that hurt him. Stephens are very blunt, they tell you how it is, and how it is going to be. Sometimes you want to [strangle] him, but it isnt possible to be mad for too long. Always be there for him, no matter what, he loves memories. He is the biggest sweetheart you will ever meet, never let Stephen go. Never doubt him, or yourself. He hates to be [doubted], he will pour his heart out to you, and do [whatever it takes] to make you change your mind. He has the most beautiful brown eyes in the world, and they make you melt every single time you look into them. He is truly perfect, hes so smart. He has the best personality a boy could have, and he loves music. Sometimes you feel like hes too good for you, and he thinks youre too good for him. In my case, hes too good for me. All the girls love Stephen, but who could blame them? Just dont let your jealousy take control of your actions, because he loves you, and [only you].

    Stephen meaning & definition 2 of Stephen.

  • The most beautiful boy in existence. Has stunning eyes, that make your heart fall through the floor when they [crinkle] with his perfect smile. Is deep, unlike most boys, and extremely intelligent. Has a big heart, and he doesnt realize when hes being taken for granted. Even though he would never admit it, he [sometimess] cant see whats right in front of him. An [over-analyzer], and very stubborn, but he will admit defeat when he has to. Likes to drive girls crazy, apparently. Easy to fall in love with. Hard to figure out.

    Stephen meaning & definition 3 of Stephen.

  • An amazing guy with a [genuinely] kind soul. A man who takes his words and puts them into action. A man who isnt afraid to tell the world about you if you were lucky enough to be his girl. A man who goes [deeper] than the surface when talking about any topic. A man who is the sweetest shit ever. A man who deserves only the best. A man who you can trust and have faith in. A man that can not be truly defined ,because [no words] can express how amazing he is.

    Stephen meaning & definition 4 of Stephen.

  • A very special guy who will [trip up] your heart. Sometimes youre sure you love him and other times youre not so sure. Hes [super sweet] and will never hurt or lie to you. Sadly its hard to get him to tell you he likes you even if you talk and message often. Hell treat you better than any other guy youll meet so once you find [a Stephen], keep him.

    Stephen meaning & definition 5 of Stephen.

  • Nice guy with a good attitude. [Youll never] see Stephen in a [bad mood]. He laughs and makes jokes all the time. Hes very outgoing and social, and once you become friends with him, [youll never] stop. He is truly amazing and unique. Once you meet [a Stephen], youll never stop thinking about him.

    Stephen meaning & definition 6 of Stephen.

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