• A misplacing or error in the order of time; an error inchronology by which events are misplaced in regard to each other,esp. one by which an event is placed too early; falsification ofchronological relation.

    Anachronism meaning & definition 1 of Anachronism.

  • (uh-nak-ruh-niz-uhm)
    From Middle Greek anachronismo, the word Anachronism refers to an event, person, object or custom that is chronologically out of place. It can also be an error in chronology, in which a person, object, event, etc., is assigned a date or period other than the correct one.

    Anachronism meaning & definition 2 of Anachronism.

  • out of place or at the wrong time

    Anachronism meaning & definition 3 of Anachronism.

  • An object or event that is seemingly out of place in time.

    Anachronism meaning & definition 4 of Anachronism.

  • out of the proper time.

    Anachronism meaning & definition 5 of Anachronism.

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