Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
When two people sharing a [double ended dildo] [slide] all the way on and [meet in the middle].
Convergence meaning & definition 1 of Convergence.
The process or state of converging.
Convergence meaning & definition 2 of Convergence.
when people all [meet] [in one] [place] for something
Convergence meaning & definition 3 of Convergence.
the coming together of two [farts] to [create] a [super fart]
Convergence meaning & definition 4 of Convergence.
A totally [rockin] [sci-fi]/fantasy convention help in [Minneapolis] on the 4th of July weekend every year. The sexiest con ever.
Convergence meaning & definition 5 of Convergence.
When two [anal gas] excretions are mixed together [to make one] smell so horrible that it causes someone to [pass out].
Convergence meaning & definition 6 of Convergence.
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