[Macabre] is a term used to describe Gothic, dark and [grim] works of literature and art that usually have strong [connections] with death.
Macabre meaning & definition 1 of Macabre.
Disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death.
Macabre meaning & definition 2 of Macabre.
- Suggesting the [horror] of death and [decay]; [gruesome]
- Constituting or including a representation of death.
Macabre meaning & definition 3 of Macabre.
The top [Alliance] guild on [World of Warcrafts] [Mannoroth] server. Established in December 2005.
Macabre meaning & definition 4 of Macabre.
Chicago speed metal band consisting of:
Corporate Death-
[7-string guitar] and lead vocalsNefarious-
6-string bass and backing vocalsDennis the Menace-
DrumsNearly every song is about serial killers. Notable ones include:
Ed Gein
David Brom Took An Axe
Jeffrey Dahmer and the Chocolate Factory
Night Stalker
[Dr. Holmes] - He Stripped Their Bones
UnabomberMany great albums including Gloom, Sinister Slaughter, Behind the Walls of Sleep, Unabomber, Dahmer, Morbid Campfire Songs, and [Murder Metal].
Macabre meaning & definition 5 of Macabre.
used to describe something that is very strange and unpleasant because it is connected with death or violence:
Macabre meaning & definition 6 of Macabre.