A writer and doctor of the law; one skilled in the law andtraditions; one who read and explained the law to the people.
Scribe meaning & definition 1 of Scribe.
Noun: A slang term used by corporate america to refer to a note taker aka punk-ass bitch. This term is often used to dupe an unsuspecting victim into a task which is incredibly boring and could be completed by a tape recorder and a secretary. Typically used by upper management right before meetings to people in lower ranks.
Scribe meaning & definition 2 of Scribe.
Scribe is New Zealand's first mainstream hip hop artist. Hes got good rhymes, tight hooks, n great flow. His album is The Crusader, his DJ is P-Money.
Scribe meaning & definition 3 of Scribe.
Verb. To use a sharp or pointed object to scrawl ones name on a surface in [graffiti]. Usually glass, plastic, or metal.
Other forms of graffiti include: [stickerbombing], [tagging], [throw-ups], [pieces], [bombs], [burners], [blockbusters],[stenciling], [wheatpasteing], [fill-ins], [throwies], etc.Scribe meaning & definition 4 of Scribe.
In the governments of many ancient societies, a professional position reserved for men who had undergone the lengthy training required to be able to read and write using [cuneiform], [hieroglyphics], or other early, cumbersome writing systems.
Scribe meaning & definition 5 of Scribe.
A term commonly used by prison inmates to describe a small piece of paper containing notes relating to inmate nicknames, gang members, gang activity, hits, or other notable pieces of information.
Scribe meaning & definition 6 of Scribe.
-a person whose entire miserable existence has been reduced to academic grunge and pain, yet remains complacentinterjection
-an expression used to convey the feeling of insanity brought about by working too hard for too long in an acadmic context (pronounced with emphasis on the 'i,' preferably with really wide eyes and a maniacal grin), or used just for fun, also sometimes used as a greeting
(also scribezor)verb
-to perform tedious or difficult academic work
syn: to trollverb, transitive
-to break a person's soul through tedious or difficult academic work
ThatScribe meaning & definition 7 of Scribe.
Racial Slur for those of romanian descent
Scribe meaning & definition 8 of Scribe.
A scribe is a graffiti artist.
Scribe meaning & definition 9 of Scribe.
A person who copies out documents, especially one employed to do this before printing was invented.
Scribe meaning & definition 10 of Scribe.
In-Slack sales Assistant, brings your emails to Slack and powers them with smart replies, lets you update your CRM all on one platform A software product by Scribe Technologies
Scribe meaning & definition 11 of Scribe.
Web-based solution that helps businesses manage patient schedules, track EHR in real-time, facilitate reimbursements, and more. A software product by Scribe Technology Solutions
Scribe meaning & definition 12 of Scribe.