• That with which anythingis paved; a floor or covering of solidmaterial, laid so as to make a hard and convenient surface fortravel; a paved road or sidewalk; a decorative interior floor oftiles or colored bricks.The riches of heaven's pavement, trodden gold. Milton.Pavement teeth (Zoöl.), flattened teeth which in certain fishes, asthe skates and cestracionts, are arranged side by side, like tiles ina pavement.

    Pavement meaning & definition 1 of Pavement.

    1. substance used in the production of sidewalks
    2. the fathers of '90s indie rock

    Pavement meaning & definition 2 of Pavement.

  • Geek rock band. Huge influence.
    See also Stephen Malkmus.

    Pavement meaning & definition 3 of Pavement.

  • The greatest band ever to walk earth.

    Pavement meaning & definition 4 of Pavement.

  • noun: mixture of powdered rock that hardens when water is added, often used to make sidewalks out of.
    noun 2: A darn good band.

    Pavement meaning & definition 5 of Pavement.

    1. The sidewalk
    2. A highly influencial 90s rock band that started in 1898 and then, unfortunately split in 1999. Stephen Malkmus was frontman (guitar and main vocals), backed up by Scott [Spiral] Stairs Kannberg (guitar), Gary Young (drummer in the beginning), Mark Ibold (bass), Steve West (drummer after Young left), and Bob Nastanovich (percussion).
      After Pavement fell out, [SM] developed Stephen Malkmus

    Pavement meaning & definition 6 of Pavement.

  • a [place] where [stalkers] go to [watch] people

    Pavement meaning & definition 7 of Pavement.

  • In [Britain], a raised [pedestrian] footpath on either side of a vehicular road ([sidewalk]). Or the material that such a path is composed of.

    Pavement meaning & definition 8 of Pavement.

  • The real name for what the [simplistic] Americans call a [side walk]. I can only assume that this name was picked as several Americans died through not knowing where to walk so they walked in the road, hence [the turning] of the name of a pavement into a set of instructions.

    Pavement meaning & definition 9 of Pavement.

  • A raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road.

    Pavement meaning & definition 10 of Pavement.

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