• A heavy cavalry sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.

    Saber meaning & definition 1 of Saber.

  • Strong. Determined. Protective. Loving.
    Saber is born with strong survival [instincts]. He is very protective of his beloved, and can be very [jelous]. He can be very affectionate and sweet to loved ones. Saber has a big imagination and a wicked sense of humor. He will always stand up for himself, and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Saber is not one to mess with lightly. He will [pounce] on those that upset him. Saber can also be very loving and loyal, and doesnt like to be [seperated] from those he loves [dearest]. He is strong willed and determined and likes to get his own way. Saber cant stand to see his loved one upset or hurt. Saber is a loyal and loving friend, developing a close relationship with a best friend, and will always prefer their company over other friends. Saber has a big heart, and though hard to get into, once in, youll be there forever.
    Saber \s(a)-ber\ as [a boys] name is of French origin, and the meaning of Saber is sword. Name of a type of curved sword.
    Saber [toothed] Tiger -Prehistoric preditorial mammal. Large, sharp canines; short tail. Went extinct only 10,000 years ago

    Saber meaning & definition 2 of Saber.

  • A curved [bladed] sword with a blade length between 32 and 40 inches and usually having a D shaped guard used primarily for mounted combat. Deriving itself from the persian [scimitar] and the european falshion, it remained popular well into the 20th century. Also used frequently as a dueling weapon during the 1700s and early 1800s, it remains a popular weapon form in modern fencing as well as Western Martial Arts. Short [sabers] find their way onto the modern battlfield from time to time..

    Saber meaning & definition 3 of Saber.

  • A well known graffiti artist [based out] in the Los Angeles area who is known for his graffiti piece that was one of the largest ever to hit L.A. This masterpiece located in the L.A. river, just aside from the 101 freeway, made history with its size and colors that could be seen by [sattelite]. Sadly, just recently in late 2009, [Sabers] famous letters were removed. Not so long after the removal of his art, Sabers L.A. river piece was featured in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles.

    Saber meaning & definition 4 of Saber.

  • A very [pretty lady] that takes my breath away everyday [we talk]. She is stunning, loveable and has the most beautiful smile. She is tough and always has he squad right behind her so she is never alone. Saber is nearly perfect except for the missing piece in her heart that Im trying to fill if only she would [be mine].

    Saber meaning & definition 5 of Saber.

  • When something is [unfortunate] or bad”
    Like: Bad, [unlucky], [Peak]

    Saber meaning & definition 6 of Saber.

  • [a man whore] or a man who [sleeps] around excessively with [either] man or woman.

    Saber meaning & definition 7 of Saber.

  • Woman in her very early [30s] who are [on the prowl]. A cougar [pup] if you will.

    Saber meaning & definition 8 of Saber.

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