Act of one who wrestles; specif., the sport consisting of thehand-to-hand combat between two unarmed contestants who seek to throweach other. The various styles of wrestling differ in theirdefinition of a fall and in the governing rules. In Greco-Romanwrestling, tripping and taking hold of the legs are forbidden, and afall is gained (that is, the bout is won), by the contestant who pinsboth his opponent's shoulders to the ground. In catch-as-catch-canwrestling, all holds are permitted except such as may be barred bymutual consent, and a fall is defined as in Greco-Roman style.Lancashire style wrestling is essentially the same as catch-as-catch-can. In Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling the contestants standchest to chest, grasping each other around the body. The one firstlosing his hold, or touching the ground with any part of his bodyexcept his feet, loses the bout. If both fall to the ground at thesame time, it is a dogfall, and must be wrestled over. In theCornwall and Devon wrestling, the wrestlers complete in strong looselinen jackets, catching hold of the jacket, or anywhere above thewaist. Two shoulders and one hip, or two hips and one shoulder, musttouch the ground to constitute a fall, and if a man is thrownotherwise than on his back the contestants get upon their feet andthe bout recommences.
Wrestling meaning & definition 1 of Wrestling.
The toughest sport out there, in which you go for as many as 5 days with no food, 2 without water, and work out in a sauna after impossibly intense normal practices to make a low weight class. You then beat the shit out people in 6 minute matches, some of which last up to 10 minutes if they go to overtime. No pussy rests like in football and no slow pace like in soccer. It is all out tooth and claw WAR for 6-10 minutes against a MAN your exact size who has trained all season to kill YOU. After a match, the you are nearly dead and sometimes cannot stand. You will eventually stand and then fight up to 5 times in one day.(Up to 50 minutes of pure hell.) If you are tough and survive the first day you then go home, get six hours of sleep or less, and do it all over again, with your opponents getting tougher every match. You will probably have been injured at this point and have to fight through it.
Last man standing gets to call himself the champion.
In order to be good at this sport you have to give up all unhealthy foods and train hard at least 3 times a day.
Wrestling meaning & definition 2 of Wrestling.
The greatest sport in the world. Professional wrestling is a bunch of bullshit.
It requires hard work, self confidence, self determination, and personal sacrifice. It teaches life long lessons and skills that no other sport can.Wrestling meaning & definition 3 of Wrestling.
Wrestling is a sport as old as mankind itself. Since the dawn of time men have been pitted against each other in physical hand-to-hand combat, making this almost certainly the most ancient of Olympic sports. Greeks immortalized wrestling on their coins and first introduced it as an event in their Olympic Games in 776 BCE. Turkish mercenaries taught the Persians the finer points of wrestling during the early middle ages. Dubbed “koresh” its various techniques quickly spread throughout the Islamic nations. Europe and Brittany modified these early forms of wrestling to suit their own preferences of the day and Medieval knights even added wrestling to their fighting repertoire. It's a simple concept. Two men or women wrestle until one is declared the winner. Over the years, wrestling techniques have become more sophisticated and generally speaking the winner of any wrestling bout is the person who has the better technique, strength and overall fitness. Wrestling is split into Greco-Roman and Freestyle disciplines. In Freestyle wrestling the competitors have a much greater freedom. They can use not only their arms and bodies, but also their legs and can take a hold of their opponent anywhere that allows them to overpower and gain total control of them.
Wrestling meaning & definition 4 of Wrestling.
The harderst sport in the world. No, not WWE, real wrestling. Wrestling where you spend six days a week practicing, then going home to eat nothing so you can make weight, then waking up the next morning to practice again, all so that you can get your six minutes in the ring with no breaks or timeouts trying to put the other man in the ring to his back. All the while giving up your social life so that you can practice and lift when you have the free time.
Then, if you're good enough, fit enough and determined enough to win your match, you walk over to your coach to get a few last minute pointers, and then go to your next match for another six intense minutes in the ring.
Furthermore, it is not a gay sport. Wrestling is called gay by many people only because they know that their sport is nowhere near as difficult as wrestling. They call wrestling gay because they don't want to admit that the reason they don't wrestle is because they're lazy and afraid of the pain.Wrestling meaning & definition 5 of Wrestling.
What men do during boy's basketball season.
Wrestling meaning & definition 6 of Wrestling.
the most intense sport there is, ofter misunderstood as the TV version.
Wrestling meaning & definition 7 of Wrestling.
The best sport in the world. Professional wrestling is a bunch of bullshit.
It requires hard work, self confidence, self determination, and personal sacrifice. It teaches life long lessons and skills that no other sport can.Wrestling meaning & definition 8 of Wrestling.
One of the hardest sports you can ever compete in. Professional wrestling like WWE or ECW is a bunch of bullshit, half the stuff they do aren't even real or legal wrestling moves. The only professional wrestler worthy of attention is Kurt Angle who has actually competeted in REAL wrestling. Oh and it's not a gay sport. Yes you do dress in spandex uniforms and grope other individuals of the same gender. That does not make it gay. Wrestling is no more gayer than football, basketball, swimming, baseball...etc. Wrestlers work as hard as, probably harder, than any of the competers in the above sports.
Wrestling meaning & definition 9 of Wrestling.
Perhaps one of the most underappreciated sports, wrestling couldn't be described as anything less than hell. Practices chock-full of cardiovascular and muscular torture to make a soldier cry, terrible weight-cutting that is illegal yet encouraged and respected, and intense, brutal matches all constitute a life-changing experience.
There is wrestling practice everday, and one is only allowed water for dinner after practice. One also, in order to be as strong as possible, must lift weights on their own time, on an empty stomach. Technique is all in the mind, as wrestling is a thinking man's game. When finally match day comes, the fun has only begun...Wrestlers may be called gay or homo, but they brush off the ignorance with the satisfaction that they are the strongest, toughest, and most disciplined athletes at school.
Wrestling is hell.
Wrestling meaning & definition 10 of Wrestling.
A sport that involves large amounts of sweat, hard work, and dedication. Not to be confused with Professional Wrestling.
Originating back more than [5000] years and refined by the [Greeks].
You can play soccer, football, tennis, or basketball...but you cant [play wrestling].
Wrestling meaning & definition 11 of Wrestling.
The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground, typically according to a code of rules.
Wrestling meaning & definition 12 of Wrestling.