• Commonsense is a set of rules and practices that are widely accepted, well-understood and workable. It refers to the set of practices and rules that people use in everyday life, such as sharing resources or solving problems without the need for formal training. Common sense is often considered a basic human ability, and it can be used to make decisions quickly without the need for extensive knowledge or analysis.

    Commonsense is essential for maintaining a functioning society, as it helps people to make informed decisions and work together effectively. It is also a valuable tool for individuals, as it can help them to navigate social situations and resolve conflicts.

    In short, commonsense is the ability to make logical and rational decisions based on common sense. It is a valuable skill that everyone should possess, and it is something we all need to be able to use in our daily lives.

    Commonsenseables meaning & definition 241 of Commonsenseables.

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