• A [whooping] cough like disease that is often found on [Lond] Island. The illness is spread through making out with kids infected at your school.

    Symptoms include coughing once, [mono] and having been in a band.

    Pertussis meaning & definition 1 of Pertussis.

  • Pertussis is a highly contagious infection caused by the gram-negative bacteria Bordetella pertussis, which results in fits of coughing that usually end in a prolonged, high-pitched, deeply indrawn breath (the whoop).

    Pertussis usually affects children and adolescents.
    Mild coldlike symptoms are followed by severe coughing fits, then gradual recovery.
    The diagnosis is based on the characteristic whoop-sounding cough and examination of the mucus in the nose and throat.
    Most children with pertussis recover slowly but completely.
    Vaccination can help prevent this infection.
    Very ill children usually are hospitalized and given antibiotics to eliminate the infection.

    (See also Overview of Bacteria.)
    Pertussis, once rampant in the United States, is now better controlled although not eradicated. In 2018, there were over 13,000 cases of pertussis in the United States. Local epidemics among unimmunized people occur every 3 to 5 years.
    Pertussis remains a major problem throughout the developing world.
    Pertussis is becoming more common even though it can be prevented by a vaccine. This increase may result from

    Wearing off of immunity in people who have been vaccinated
    Some parents refusing to allow their children to be vaccinated

    Before vaccines were widely used, pertussis was a disease of young children. Now, people may develop pertussis at any age. Over half of cases occur in adolescents and adults. However, pertussis is most serious in children younger than 2 years, and nearly all deaths occur in children younger than 1 year. Most deaths are caused by pneumonia and complications affecting the brain. Pertussis is also serious in older people.
    One attack of pertussis does not always give full immunity for life, but a second attack, if it occurs, is usually mild and not always recognized as pertussis. In fact, some adults with

    Pertussis meaning & definition 2 of Pertussis.

  • →  whooping cough

    Pertussis meaning & definition 3 of Pertussis.

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