• Amphetamines AKA Speed:
    Street Names:
    [Fet], Powder, White, [Whizz], [Fettle], [Throttle] and Base (and various other slang names that are made up by people because they sound catchy)
    Type: Psychomotor Stimulant
    Cost: Can vary, usually £10 a gram but if your dealer isnt a [complete dick] head he should make it cheaper the more you buy [off him].
    Appearance: Often sold as a white/yellow powder, once [cut its] a paste and always seems stronger when fresh, it drys to powder if left a day or two. (Also sold in tablet form)
    Method of taking: Theres a few ways of taking this drug, it just depends what you have at hand:
    Bombing: Were the user puts the powder in a folded cigarette paper and twists it shut making it look like a bomb, the bomb is then swallowed. This is the safest method of taking Speed
    [Dabbing]: Were the user takes the speed by licking his finger, [dabbing] it in the powder and swallowing it. This method is also concidered safe but it can give you a [sore throat] and cause swelling.
    Snorting. The user makes a [fine line] out of the powder using a credit card or [razor blade], then gets a straw or roles up a piece of paper and uses that snort it up his/her nose. This can be harmful to your nose and cause unpredictable nose bleeds.
    Injecting: Where the user prepares the powder by disolving it in a teaspoonful of water, boling it by a naked flame under [the spoon] and putting it into the syringe. This is a very dangerous way of taking any drug, theres risk of infections such as [H.I].V (yes you can catch it from a white person) or Hepatitus. also theres risk of Overdose.
    Smoking: The powder can be mixed in with a role up but [in all honesty] this is a shit way of taking the drug.
    Effects: The time you take to come up can vary. it can take 20 - 45 min if you dab or [bomb it], almost instant if you inject, smoke or snort it. It can make the user feel a bit [nauseous] but that doesnt last long, the user starts to feel euphoric and talkative with an unbelievable energy upgrade, you can walk for miles (and other constructive exercises) and not feel a thing, you do everything faster which spins everyone around. It also gives the user Insomnia and you can go days without the desire to sleep. You no longer feel the need for food and that loss of appetite can last until the end of the come down. You can make it last as long as you want if you have the powder to keep you going, but when you stop you should start to come down about 4 - 6 hours later, the come down is basically like a hangover and the extent of them can also vary, the user would feel drained and depressed. Males will get temparary [shrinking] of the penis while the speed is in their system.
    Advice: If you want to try the drug always take it with an experienced friend and dont take anymore than a gram because the first few times you use it can cause stomach upset.
    What to do if a friend Overdoses: You cant fatally Overdose on Amphetamines, it is possible if you inject it though, if your friend takes to much and complains about stomach upset theres nothing you can really do exept try to chill them out. Do NOT take a bath if your uncomfortable as that will get your circulation going and you will come up more which is a handy piece of advice if you dont want to come down. If the user is in serious pain, call an ambulance, tell the paramedics exactly what they had or as much as you can tell them, you can only get in trouble if you get caught with drugs on you so stash them or something. Remember to keep [hydrated] when your up.
    [Finchs] advice: This is a great drug, Class B so its not as bad as some other drugs, it gives you confidence and better stamina from all the exercise. And to all you fat cunts out there this is a drug for you, it stops you eating, shrinks your stomach and makes you want to get off your fat ass and do something EG: Cure cancer, save timmy from the well or just have [wild sex]........THESE ARE CALLED MISSIONS :D. Have fun, dont [get ripped] off and for fucks sake dont let your parents catch you doing it.
    Addictiveness\Health Implications: After using this drug a while you could get rather [dependant] on it (read about [Judy Garland]) and it can lead to mental problems such as depression and [psychosis]. long term abuse (taking it everyday or as much as you can for months) can fuck up your stomach lining and possibly thin your arteries leading to [internal bleeding]. Light and infrequent use is relatively harmless though so go out and get fettin

    Amphetamine meaning & definition 1 of Amphetamine.

  • A synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant.

    Amphetamine meaning & definition 2 of Amphetamine.

  • any of several types of drug used as a stimulant (= a substance that makes the mind or body more active) :

    Amphetamine meaning & definition 3 of Amphetamine.

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