• A complex, multicultural word with many meanings. According to the [Celts], it is a name bestowed upon a most cherished lake in Kilarney: as in [Lough] Leane- the lake of Learning. According to the French Le [ane] means the ass. Usually a name given to a female. She is as unique as her name, fiercely independent, a great lover of all things creative and curiuos. She loves laughter. A lot. A Leane has an [impish] side and enjoys causing chaos then running away. Like a little Buddha [figurine] she does her work, leaves her influence, then moves on to the next project leaving droplets of cosmic confusion in her wake. A Leane has so many layers it is often difficult to get to her core. This makes a Leane feel like no one ever understands her yet she understands all. She is an [enchantress] and casts her spell on everyone she meets. Matter of fact spellbinder would be a synonym for Leane. Be sure to befriend a Leane when you meet one, you will gain a friend that cares about you more than you would ever know. They are approachable but make sure you leave a mirrors and [shiny objects] behind. Make sure you offer a Leane homemade cookies, or red wine (unless, of course they are under the age of 21 in the USA). Beware, however, the spelling. Not all Leanes are alike and are often mistaken for Leigh-anns or Leannes. Less than 1% of all women in the world are Leanes so if you find one there might be a leprechaun nearby with a [pot of gold], and of course, a rainbow.

    Leane meaning & definition 1 of Leane.

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