Father; -- a word sometimes used by children.I was never so bethumped withwords, Since I first called my brother'sfather dad. Shak.
Dad meaning & definition 1 of Dad.
The parent that takes the most shit. Sure, if you had a shitty father, then go ahead and bitch, but not all of us did. Some of us had great fathers, who really loved us, and weren't assholes. Honestly, if you could see how much damage a mother could do to one's self esteem, you wouldn't even place so much blame on dear
Dad meaning & definition 2 of Dad.
the one who knocked-up your mom
Dad meaning & definition 3 of Dad.
The often overlooked and underappreciated parental figure. Just because he didnt give birth to you doesnt mean he can't love you the same, or more than a mother can. Also, whats up with the husband getting a 3000 dollar ring for the wife, on mothers day, and the wife getting the husband a 2 dollar tie for fathers day?
Dad meaning & definition 4 of Dad.
The guy who's on your ass 24/7 about grades, sports, what you do with your free time, drugs, alcohol, your behavior....etc and will never give you a break, or room to breath, he can also be pretty chill when he has vented all his rage on the rest of your family, he likes classic rock, talking about politics, he is never wrong and will argue until his face turns red to prove his point no matter how ridiculous it may be, he is either the best or the worst when he drinks, he is extremely controlling with what you do and how you manage your time, he does love you (well i mean he is your father right?) and after owning you he usually says its because he loves you (which is usually bullshit)overall you still love your dad even tho he may be a total asshole, and when u move away you will love him even more
Dad meaning & definition 5 of Dad.
not just related to you by blood, but someone who really ares about you and what you feel, very important to kids living with their moms
Dad meaning & definition 6 of Dad.
N, The better parent.
The person you can always go to when your mom is being Hitler and complaining about you for not doing your part around the house while you actually do more than she does.
He sits on the edge of your bed at night when he thinks you're asleep and rubs your forehead.
Someone who can whip your arse if you do something wrong, but doesn't go overboard with punishment. He makes you a better person.
The only name he will let you get tattooed on your body is his.
The most amazing person in the world.
Dad meaning & definition 7 of Dad.
Just try to win an argument with him. Then tell me the results when you're not grounded anymore.
Dad meaning & definition 8 of Dad.
A word that can be substituted for any other word in the right circumstances. Created by GoldDad aka GoldGloveTV on DadTube.
Dad meaning & definition 9 of Dad.
the guy who treats you like his own. the one who, teaches you how to ride a bike. the one who is there for you no matter what. the one who wants his little girl to grow up happy. the one who you can go to. the one who, when you start to date guys, gets all super protective. the guy that loves you unconditionally. even when you mess up every once in a while no matter how big the mess up was.
Dad meaning & definition 10 of Dad.