• A movement supporting the use of reason, science and technology to advance and enhance human abilities and existence under optimal conditions. Can be see as an extension of [humanism], but with much more emphasis on the future. Transhumanists believe that we should try to overcome our biological limitations thru the use of such things as [nanotechnology], [cryonics], AI, mind uploading, space-time engineering, eugenics, and what not in order to become posthuman.

    Transhumanism meaning & definition 1 of Transhumanism.

  • The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.

    Transhumanism meaning & definition 2 of Transhumanism.

  • A post-modern theory that posits on the perceived benefit to Mankind of having a [Cuisinart] [installed] in [your rectum].

    Transhumanism meaning & definition 3 of Transhumanism.

  • The [religion] of [the future].

    Transhumanism meaning & definition 4 of Transhumanism.

  • the theory that science and technology can help human beings develop beyond what is physically and mentally possible at the present time:

    Transhumanism meaning & definition 5 of Transhumanism.

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