Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
A large ornamental tree (Ginkgo biloba) from China and Japan,belonging to the Yew suborder of Coniferæ. Its leaves are so likethose of some maidenhair ferns, that it is also called the maidenhairtree.
Ginkgo meaning & definition 1 of Ginkgo.
The one supplement guaranteed to enhance your performance on homework, tests, and everything in between. Ginkgo increases the flow of blood to your brain, although no real study has been performed by the FDA or large research groups the supplement is often used to enhance memory on a short-term basis. Note, taken with coffee will increase the effect, but is not recommended.
Ginkgo meaning & definition 2 of Ginkgo.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is prepared from leaves of the ginkgo tree (commonly planted in the US for ornamental purposes and botanically unique as it is the only surviving member of its family). Active ingredients are believed to be terpene ginkgolides and flavonoids.
The fruit of the gingko tree, which is quite malodorous, is not used in ginkgo products. Contact with the fruit pulp, which may be present under female ginkgo trees, can cause severe skin inflammation (dermatitis). The raw seeds of the fruit are toxic and can cause seizures and, in large amounts, death. Cooked ginkgo seeds are eaten in Asia and are available in Asian food shops in the US; because the seeds do not contain ginkgolides and flavonoids, they do not have known therapeutic effects.
(See also Overview of Dietary Supplements.)Ginkgo meaning & definition 3 of Ginkgo.
A deciduous Chinese tree related to the conifers, with fan-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It has a number of primitive features and is similar to some Jurassic fossils.
Ginkgo meaning & definition 4 of Ginkgo.
A nut from the center of the inedible fruit of the maidenhair tree. This nut turns bright green when cooked and has a delicately sweet flavor.
Ginkgo meaning & definition 5 of Ginkgo.