• [A lame] [ripoff] of [the Great Pumpkin].

    Easter meaning & definition 1 of Easter.

  • The most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and held (in the Western Church) between 21 March and 25 April, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.

    Easter meaning & definition 2 of Easter.

  • [Holiday] that celebrates Jesus [respawning].

    Easter meaning & definition 3 of Easter.

  • The holiday celebrated for the day in which [Jesuss] pet [rabbit] mysteriously laid eggs and painted them strange colors to hide them from [the evil] Jews.

    Easter meaning & definition 4 of Easter.

  • A holiday featuring [fertility symbols] such as eggs, rabbits, and maidens dressed in white that pagans celebrate, named in honor of the godess of fertility known as [Eostre], Astarte, [Ashtoreth], Isis, Vishnu, Venus, etc. depending on when and where the pagan is from.
    Nowadays, most of the pagans pretend that Easter has something to do with Jesus so they can pretend to be Christians. Theyve already given Christendom such a bad name doing things like this that it isnt even worth their effort to pretend to be Christian any more, so they only continue the custom out of habit.

    Easter meaning & definition 5 of Easter.

  • It obviously is an adjective that is better than best.
    [Good Friday]... [Easter Sunday].
    Jesus died on [good Friday], but it was even BETTER when he came back to life.
    So Easter > Absolute Best.

    Easter meaning & definition 6 of Easter.

  • Hey? [Whered] [the Body] Go? [Day].

    Easter meaning & definition 7 of Easter.

  • [The celebration] of a bearded man called Jesus Christ, [who died] on a cross and rose again, resulting in future workplaces and schools closing while people eat chocolate [Easter eggs].

    Easter meaning & definition 8 of Easter.

  • A [pagan holiday] that christians have tried make a christian holiday. Easter originated in ancient Rome before Christ was born. Here is where it came from: [Nimrod] (who tried to bild the [tower of Babel]) was killed and was thought to be a god by some people. His wife was a whore and when she became pregnant, she claimed the conception was immaculate. The group of people who believed her lie claimed that Nimrod himself impregnated her from heaven. The child that was born was named Tamuz (which is where worship of the cross originated). When Tamuzs mother died, the same group of people that believed he was the savior claimed that she became the godess named easter. They believed that she once returned to earth in an egg ([easter eggs]). A cult took this myth and turned it into a religion. On easter, pagan priests would impregnate young virgins on the alter (that was meant to worship [nimrod]). A year later, the babies that were born as a result were slaughtered on easter day and eggs were dipped in their blood (where egg painting originated). Easter does not honor Christ in any way and is not one of Gods annual festivals.

    Easter meaning & definition 9 of Easter.

  • When your parents take all the leftover Halloween candy and hide it [around the house] in colorful eggs. When you cant find any, you give up until next year, when you find all the old ones [and none] of the new ones. [Little people] believe that a magical rabbit delivers these too you.

    Easter meaning & definition 10 of Easter.

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