• Understanding that racial groups do exist. Knowing that different races evolved under different circumstances and so are different from one another. Differing [innate] qualities of racial groups might include [average intelligence], average physical strength, other average physical characteristics, average skin color, differing societal [crime statistics], etc.
    Racialism pertains more to a racial group as opposed to an individual. Whereas racism is more about individuals as opposed to the group.

    Racialism meaning & definition 1 of Racialism.

  • (n.) The mindset of consistently acting under the assumption that the actions of others are racially motivated whenever they concern members of separate races. In order to act in a [racialist] perspective, one must first make sweeping stereotypes about the character of the person that they are judging, often in a racist manner, thus making one a racialist.
    Racialists can commonly be identified by [noting] their tendency towards bringing the topic of race into every discussion concerning members of different races, especially in cases in which race has no basis.
    Racism is not the same as [racialism], though they are occasionally used interchangeably. One may often imply the other, though in many cases, racialists are often the most avowedly [anti-racist] people in the room.

    Racialism meaning & definition 2 of Racialism.

  • [The root] of all [racism].

    A [racialist] is certain that people are physically different.

    Racialism meaning & definition 3 of Racialism.

  • the lighter side of racism.

    you dont want to [tar] the person as being a racist but you feel the need to express there un-pcness.

    [not racist], just [stoopid].

    Racialism meaning & definition 4 of Racialism.

  • policies, behaviours, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race :

    Racialism meaning & definition 5 of Racialism.

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