• boring Christian college in the middle of Pennsylvania (aka nowhere) where kids know in saying their college name that they will automatically get pitied and/or mad sympathy from other college friends of theirs that rock out every weekend (or even just ponder the idea of hanging out with the opposite sex on say...a THURSDAY?! wtf...) Parents love the idea, kids know if a college has a nickname for Jesus in the title, the college has to be a ball breaker.

    Messiah meaning & definition 7 of Messiah.

  • Rachel Maddow is my Messiah.

    Messiah meaning & definition 8 of Messiah.

  • A guy who will bring peace to the world and blah blah blah.
    People think Jesus is the Messiah and king of Jews, which is retarded cause all he brought was war and pain, centuries after, like when Christians blamed Jews for Jesus' death and they were to ignorant to realize All of Jesus' disciples were Jewish, not Just Judas, and they didn't just kill Jews. They killed Muslims, Native Americans, and anyone else who didn't follow their faith. And He isn't the King of the Jews. God is the King of the Jews.

    Messiah meaning & definition 9 of Messiah.

  • The Jewish word given to the saviour of the world, was thought to be Jesus (who was actually an Arab Magician). One of the most famous uses of the word messiah was in Monty Python's: The Life of Brian were Brian is mistaken to be the messiah of Jerusalem.

    Messiah meaning & definition 10 of Messiah.

  • Our Lord and Savior President Barack Hussein Obama the most merciful.
    Obama Wednesday, June 04, 2008:

    Messiah meaning & definition 11 of Messiah.

  • The promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.

    Messiah meaning & definition 12 of Messiah.

  • Incredibly [sexy nigga], also got his name from the bible so you know his mama is good at naming kids. He is smart but not a nerd and doesnt go out of his way to get a girl unless shes [hella peng]. He is quite athletic and very loud and will be loyal to you if you do so to him. He keeps his cool and doesnt snap easily it depends on what is said. He has a lot of friends and is very loud and [funny as] well as a good person to be around

    Messiah meaning & definition 13 of Messiah.

  • [Senator] [Barack Obama]

    Messiah meaning & definition 14 of Messiah.

  • A very caring person fun [to be with] usually with a girl whose name starts with an an A he usually calls her [milly] and he has two [best friends]

    Messiah meaning & definition 15 of Messiah.

  • a leader who is believed to have the power to solve the worlds problems:

    Messiah meaning & definition 16 of Messiah.

  • In Abrahamic religions, a messiah or messias is a saviour or liberator of a group of people. The concepts of mashiach, messianism, and of a Messianic Age originated in Judaism, and in the Hebrew Bible, in which a mashiach is a king or High Priest traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil.

    Messiah meaning & definition 17 of Messiah.

  • @Sarah I suppose you don’t have good knowledge of who Christ is, but you may be right about the word Jesus wherever that name come from, yeshua/Nini/I Am like I fondly call him never promised you his truth (Word) without causing division

    Messiah meaning & definition 18 of Messiah.

  • The term Messiah refers to a figure who is believed by some religious traditions and followers to be a savior who will bring about the end of times. In Christianity, Jesus Christ is considered the Messiah who came to Earth as a human and taught the gospel message. However, in other religious traditions such as Judaism and Islam, the concept of Messiah is also related to a figure who will bring about the end of times, but in a different way. In these traditions, the Messiah is believed to be a messianic figure who will bring about the coming of a new era, and who will be revered as an important figure in the religious and cultural life of their community.

    Messiah meaning & definition 19 of Messiah.

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