• An intelligent human being who believes that human interests are not always in the best interests of human beings themselves (in the long run, of course) or other species. Although there are some [impressionable] [airheaded] environmentalists, the majority are scientifically informed and dedicated to their cause. Many things that environmentalists have worked for have also benefitted mankind, such as restrictions on [pollution], which can cause deformities at birth.

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 1 of Environmentalist.

  • A person who is concerned about protecting the environment.

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 2 of Environmentalist.

  • Someone who says we should stop watching so much TV and get out into the wilds, and talks of wind farms as the next big thing in Green, Earth-friendly energy generation, until those techie eggheads actually build wind farms, at which point [the environmentalist] starts talking about how all those whirling blades pose a threat to bird life and interfere with the energies in a [little old ladys] television. They used to do everyone a favour trying to save whales and reminding the public of the evils of pollution and tropical deforestation. Now they prefer to chow down on maize that has been so mutated it needs human farmers to help it reproduce, and milk from cows with huge swaying udders who wouldnt last a tap on the savannahs of Africa, often themselves dressed in wool stolen from similarly unnatural sheep, while getting everyone riled up about the alleged satanic evil of genetic engineering. Gimme the old days when Greenpeace were risking their lives before [the harpoons] of Russian and Japanese whalers, rather than risking the sanity of Western civilisation.

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 3 of Environmentalist.

  • [Tree hugger] who opposes the [advancement] of [civilization], industry and business.

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 4 of Environmentalist.

  • Someone who would rather NOT have everyone on earth [get cancer] from [UV] rays, boil to death from global warming, or die from toxic gas left by [nukes]. This is hard for them to do because people dont seem to care about them.

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 5 of Environmentalist.

  • a [paranoid] [individual] who thinks everything causes [cancer].

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 6 of Environmentalist.

  • [Stupid liberals] who have nothing better to do than panic about the Earth and waste money saving the planet. They call anyone against their cause hypocrites and they makes up problems that dont even exist, like global warming. They enjoy worrying about thing like [carbon dioxide], and they try to stop it at all costs, even if it means slowing down the economy and spending billions of dollars. They are usually [mentally unstable], and are either corrupt politicians and scientists, or celebrities.

    Environmentalist meaning & definition 7 of Environmentalist.

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