• Unfairly stereotyped person, usually a female, who participates in an intense and under credited sport. They dont actually like cheering games at all.
    Usually falsely stereotyped as a blonde unintelligent slut
    These girls have to actually maintain a usual average of 70% in school in order to be on the team, proving the dumb label incorrect.
    [Cheerleading] is one of the most [dangerous womens] sports and deaths do and can occur.
    It is a very competitive sport and their team works all year in order to go to a competition (usually nationals) and preform.
    Cheerleading includes tumbling stunts, [pyramids] dancing and cheers, so cheerleaders have to be talented and physically fit.
    Most cheerleaders are not popular snobby whores I happen to know several girls on my school team who arent very well known, of course none are gothic but alot of the team consists of average and very dedicated girls.
    Cheerleading at my school does not mean popularity in anyway. If you want to be popular you have to be nice, and people have to like you.
    There are good and [bad girls] on every sports team but for some reasons cheerleaders get called out if they arent nice ALL the time. not everyone gets along with everyone.
    I am a cheerleader and do not appreciate negative the negative stereotypes.
    Of course, maybe its different everywhere you live, the girls on the cheer team you know may very well be [blonde bitches], but the ones I know are nothing like that.

    Cheerleader meaning & definition 1 of Cheerleader.

  • A member of a team that performs organized cheering, chanting, and dancing in support of a sports team at matches.

    Cheerleader meaning & definition 2 of Cheerleader.

  • a person, usually a woman or girl in an organized group, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event:

    Cheerleader meaning & definition 3 of Cheerleader.

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