• a quark is a fundemental constituant of matter
    Observed in [1968] through deep elastic [scatter]
    We found that protons arent as simple as we thought
    We thought they were solid particles but they are not
    Protons in fact are made up of three separate pieces
    It just gets more confusing as our knowledge increases
    But that is what a quark is; Its a piece of a [proton]
    And they also make up other things including the [neutron]
    And with leptons and bosons, unless somethings [amiss],
    They make up everything that we can see and that we know exists
    Things made up of quarks including protons and neutrons
    Are [composite] particles that physicists call hadrons
    Many types of hadrons are [theoretically] described,
    But most exist for only very brief amounts of time
    Quarks have electric charge, color charge, mass and spin,
    And having color charge means they exist solely inside of
    Other kinds of particles and cannot exist alone
    Which is why quarks have never been studied on their own
    Quarks can join together in two different ways,
    Baryons and Mesons, but most instantly decay
    If a particle has three quarks, then its a [baryon],
    And if theres one quark and and anti-quark, then it is a meson

    Quark meaning & definition 1 of Quark.

  • The mysterious quark is one of the two basic [constituents] of matter that make up protons and neutrons, with there being exactly three quarks within each kind of particle.

    It is often stated that the word was originally coined by Murray Gell-Mann who found it in [James Joyces] book [Finnegans] Wake. However, Joyce himself had probably found the word in a German dictionary.

    Quark meaning & definition 2 of Quark.

  • A [small bird] that you have to [creep] up on in order to [catch].

    Quark meaning & definition 3 of Quark.

  • The action of [rolling up] in a tiny ball...sometimes to fit in small [cardboard] boxes sometimes as to [conserve] body heat and othertimes to avoid being caught while stalking the hot girl next door.

    Quark meaning & definition 4 of Quark.

  • 1.Something [bigger] than your [chances] of getting married.
    2.Something much bigger than your [IQ]
    3.Its huge compared to your dick.

    Quark meaning & definition 5 of Quark.

  • [The smallest] known [building blocks] of matter. Protons and neutrons are each made of 3 quarks. Quarks are never found alone, only in groups of two or more. An attempt to [separate] two quarks generates enough energy to create two more.

    Quark meaning & definition 6 of Quark.

    1. A basic building block of matter, thought to be impossible to [break down] into anything else. Quarks come in several varieties; protons and neutrons are each made up of three quarks in specific combinations.

    2. The character on [Star Trek] [Deep Space Nine] who ran the bar.

    Quark meaning & definition 7 of Quark.

  • [The sound] [a duck] makes when it is confused, asking a question or [surprised]. Also used as an empathised alternative to the word what?

    Quark meaning & definition 8 of Quark.

    1. noun: [A blow] job in which [the giver] is [standing up], that is, the act does not require kneeling or laying down because the recepient is much larger in height.

    2. verb: to give [a blow] job to a notably larger recepient.

    Quark meaning & definition 9 of Quark.

  • General purpose software tool specifically designed to help you create projects written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A software product by Nishkal

    Quark meaning & definition 10 of Quark.

  • [German] cottage cheese. Soured/curdled milk turned into a very loose cottage cheese-like substance.

    Quark meaning & definition 11 of Quark.

  • one of the most basic forms of matter that make up the heavier elementary particles :

    Quark meaning & definition 12 of Quark.

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