• When there is [game] [flying around] [everywhere].

    Safari meaning & definition 1 of Safari.

  • Highly customizable recruitment software for temp, contract, and permanent hiring in a variety of industries. A software product by Safari Software Products

    Safari meaning & definition 2 of Safari.

  • An expedition to observe or hunt animals in their natural habitat, especially in East Africa.

    Safari meaning & definition 3 of Safari.

  • A Safari is an expensive chance to [get ripped] to [peices] by a [wild animal].

    Safari meaning & definition 4 of Safari.

  • An alternative to [Internet Explorer] or [Firefox]. Apparently [faster] than all other internet browsers.

    Safari meaning & definition 5 of Safari.

  • an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa:

    Safari meaning & definition 6 of Safari.

  • Safari is an alternative web browser developed by Apple. Not only is it available for Apple Macintosh Operating Systems, now it is available for Windows XP and Windows Vista. The soft operation of the browser outlasts [Internet Explorers] performance and competes with its main rival: Mozilla Firefox. It is known to have accelerated speeds, but the most probable reason is for the memory usage for processing the receiving/sending of in-browser data.
    Although in disadvantage, many other [ActiveX] [plugins] (like Microsoft Update or Windows Media Player (9 or above)) will not work. Although basic plugins (such as [RealPlayer], [Adobe Flash] or Adobe Shockwave) are well usable.
    The software for both Macs and Windows is in its Beta 3 stage and it is planned to be release or otherwise erased from existance for Windows compatibility. However, the stable releases are available for Mac OS X Operating Systems. Each distribution (on Apples Website) can be downloaded with Quicktime or not.
    And the Apple iPhone and the newest iPod Touch comes with Safari preloaded. Their connectivities are Wi-Fi (Both) and [GPRS]/GSM (iPhone). In those cases, iPhone and iPod Touch browsers cannot accept ActiveX plugins except their default media player inside the devices.

    Safari meaning & definition 7 of Safari.

  • A ride through the [redlight district]. The hoes come out and start harrasing your car and climbing all over your car while you pass by them at 2 mph. While doing a drive-by, you are staring at the skeezy hoes like theyre a pack of wild animals - just like an [African safari]. The only difference is that you replace the [African jungle] with a jungle of skanky ass bitches.

    Safari meaning & definition 8 of Safari.

  • A shy, cute and gentle [bengal] cat. Has [big eyes] and licks everyone, to show her compassion. [Very adorable] and precious.

    Safari meaning & definition 9 of Safari.

  • 1.When you go online to look at no specific type of porn and you just let the links take you through an erotic [maze] of [spyware] infected porn sites.
    2.Starting an erotic [internet adventure] by going to a free gallary porn site and clicking on a minimum of ten links and/or thumbnails before your allowed to stop and choose which site you want best.

    Safari meaning & definition 10 of Safari.

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