• People from [outerspace]. Generally peace loving and wise, theyve come to Earth because weve got [velcro] and they [love that] shit

    Aliens meaning & definition 1 of Aliens.

    1. In [terrestrial] terms, those who come from another country, a.k.a. [immigrant].

    2. Usually refers to any being that isnt from the planet earth, a.k.a. extraterrestrials ([E.T].)

    Aliens meaning & definition 2 of Aliens.

  • An excellent science fiction movie series. Features a race of insect-like aliens called Xenomorphs, which have acidic blood and a collective mentality. They lay eggs like normal insects, but the larvae can only mature into adults by leaping onto a host [organisms] face and injecting themselves dow into the digestive tract. The adults [burrow] themselves out of the host, killing it in the process.
    Basically, if you have an alien [Xenomorph] on your planet, your species is doomed.

    Aliens meaning & definition 3 of Aliens.

  • Something that [stupid people] [say] dont [exist]

    Aliens meaning & definition 4 of Aliens.

  • [Little people], similar looking to [Oompa Loompas], except with 5 extra arms and are capable of shape shifting. In ancient times they came to [populate] earth, and to achieve this, they killed all dinosaurs, However later on they were scared off by Jesus. In recent years, they have returned, abandoning one of their own here in disguise as Justin Bieber.

    Aliens meaning & definition 5 of Aliens.

  • Far out dudes that love some [good kush]. Can be often seen [flyin] around in their saucerz stoned af looking for some [dank weed] that humans crop. Their language consists of Ayy and lmao said in varying lengths and tones.

    Aliens meaning & definition 6 of Aliens.

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