• When you are absolutely peaking is to be at your prime in any activity.
    This can be used to describe a person, event or group.

    Peaking meaning & definition 1 of Peaking.

  • The time at which an ingested substance is at its highest possible concentration in the bloodstream. Used colloquially in the context of recreational drugs, most commonly psychedelics. When peaking, a psychedelic trip is usually at its most intense/powerful. The nature and duration of a peak varies by drug, user, and mindset at the time of tripping. Contrary to what some may say, it is not a term specific to any one particular drug.

    Peaking meaning & definition 2 of Peaking.

  • the result of ingesting copious amounts of MDMA.Deffinately the more social of drugs , MDMA can make the most shy annoying people seem interesting.. ofcourse only to other people peaking.Effects include a sensation of floating , as though you weigh nothing and your legs seem to glide rather than stride.Thus being able to dance hours on end.Everyone talks to you and you talk to anyone about anything and somehow it all seems to be the most indepth conversation about cornflakes you have ever had and it is sure to change the rest of your life

    Peaking meaning & definition 3 of Peaking.

  • Peaking is when you poop so much that the poop looks like a mountain. With the top peaking over the water making a peak.

    Peaking meaning & definition 4 of Peaking.

  • the most intense part of an LSD trip, usually lasting for about an hour, in which ordinary reality becomes interwoven with the private pschedelic perceptions of the tripper.

    Peaking meaning & definition 5 of Peaking.

  • To be angry, upset, frustrated, pissed off at anything, whether that be someone or something etc.

    Peaking meaning & definition 6 of Peaking.

  • When Thomas Croxen does 10 situps in the sun and reaches peak performance.

    Peaking meaning & definition 7 of Peaking.

  • Loving it up at a club, usually while on Es. Although can be seen to be done by some retard townies at crappy, cheesy night clubs.

    Someone who peaks often can become known as a peaker.

    Peaking meaning & definition 8 of Peaking.

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