• A(n) app that is a Vine rip off that mature teenage girls use to lip sync to popular songs since they a) cant use snapchat because of their parents or b) they to do this crap on Snapchat and got banned from it

    Music.ly meaning & definition 1 of Music.ly.

  • A unwashable cum-stain of an app that involves white rich kids with 0 talent getting millions over lip-sinking to famous songs, which will always lead to:
    1- suicide
    2- everyone that watched the... thing... to hate the song used in it

    Music.ly meaning & definition 2 of Music.ly.

  • A social media that lets you lip sync any song you want, and you post it. Thats it. Its a social media for lip syncing.
    The people that seem to get their hands on this app the most are young white teenagers who think they are cool when in reality, they arent. There are actually a few lucky young white teenagers get rich and famous of of lip syncing for some reason, and when they actually have to do something with their fame (like making a music video) they find out quick that they actually have no talent.
    To be honest, it doesnt really matter if your famous or not on Music.ly, because every single Music.ly out there makes me want to kill myself.

    Music.ly meaning & definition 3 of Music.ly.

  • An app most teenagers use to make lip-sync videos. People get famous on it for some reason. All you do is lip-sync and do hand-gestures. Basically wasting your time. I still love it though so...

    Music.ly meaning & definition 4 of Music.ly.

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