• There are two types of gangster:

    A wannabe thug, often illiterate and an inhabitant of a downtrodden ghetto that hangs around in gangs; largely associated with the African-American subculture. These try-hard wanna be gangstas attempt to make themselves appear like real criminals by graffiting buildings, smoking/selling drugs and trying to looking all bad-ass and macho an-shit, yo. An utter degradation of what true gangsters represent (see below), and street wannabe gangsta-types dont hold a candle to what real gangsters are.

    The real gangsters are those behind organised crime; most notably the Mafia. Responsible for blackmarket trade, epsionage, organised beatings/assassinations, etc. The Godfather portrays the archtype of true gangsters, showing the brutality of mob beatings, shootings, running rackets and abusing woman, alcohol and everything in between. The real gansters are not to be confused with the aforementioned definition, commonly used as it might be.

    Gangster meaning & definition 1 of Gangster.

  • Crip Lover BK 4 Life, you are an IDIOT. The first gangsters were not African-American, they were Italian. There are MILLIONS of white gangsters out there that arent wankstas any more than your average Crip or Blood is.

    Gangster meaning & definition 2 of Gangster.

  • A gangster is one who participates in organized crime, typically the Mafia; gangsters commit crimes (killing, gambling, drug dealing, prostitution) for money.

    Gangster meaning & definition 3 of Gangster.

  • A badass who can give respect and gets respect. A member of the Mafia.

    Not to be confused with [word]retard[/word]s that call themselves [word]gangsta[/word]s.

    Gangster meaning & definition 4 of Gangster.

  • What are you talking about? Ive never even heard of a black gangster. Gang member, yeah, but not a gansgter. Gangsters, the real ones, are hardcore Italian.

    Gangster meaning & definition 5 of Gangster.

  • An individual who is a member of an organization that profits through organized crime. Also known as Mobsters. The guys in South Central strapped with guns and carrying large amounts of weed are more commonly known as gangbangers, not to be confused with gangsters, though both are equally dangerous.

    Gangster meaning & definition 6 of Gangster.

  • Unlike what most people think a gangster is, a gangster is usually a white person in the mob. This term is also synonomyous with [mobster]. Gangsters usually hate the feds and in the golden days they bootlegged drugs but mainly alcohol and robbed banks. they had massive gunfights and had the nice sedans. Gangstas are the black ones in so cal popular in the early 90s. Even if you are black you must admit that white people are the best criminals.

    Gangster meaning & definition 7 of Gangster.

  • The first and oldest real gang is the Chinese Mafia aka Triad. They were the first biggest gang/mafia that started in Asia and was the first in the world. Then followed by the Japanese mafia aka Yakuza, then the Europeans. These Asian Mafias participated in every kind of crime but generally in the blackmarket. Triad is the worlds number one drug dealers in Asia and is the biggest underground and most wanted drug-traffickers in the U.S. Asian gangs are the most well-discreet, clever and underground clan. They are the fastest growing gangs in the West Coast according to the 2005 Street Gang census.

    Just below the ladder is the Italian Mobs. They are one of the most well respected and well known Mafia in the U.S. These guys participate in many types of crimes, usually murder. They act on their plans secretely but are usually busted for leaving clues behind.

    Street gangs. Bloods, Crips, Mexicans gangs, Asian gangs, etc. These are the clans that also participate in every crime but are usually not very serious. Located in ghetto parts of the city.

    Gangster meaning & definition 8 of Gangster.

  • A member of a gang of violent criminals.

    Gangster meaning & definition 9 of Gangster.

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