• A clever play on words to use in place of the word [word]cunnilingus[/word]. The first play on words being of the similar sound, one who thinks a bit more about it will realize a cunning linguist would be someone who is skilled at speaking, implying the mouth, thus, someone skilled with their mouth.

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 1 of Cunning linguist.

  • The term cunning linguist is a clever play on the word [cunnilingus]. It is clever for 3 reasons:

    Cunning linguist simply sounds astonishingly similar to [cunnilingus].

    Whoever discovered the phrase cunning linguist certainly was one.

    A cunning linguist would have a dexterous mouth, aiding him or her in the act of [cunnilingus].

    This word play is a triple whammy!

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 2 of Cunning linguist.

  • (1) A person who is a clever speaker and/or writer and/or singer.

    (2) Slang for pussy eater as it sounds like cunnilingus.

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 3 of Cunning linguist.

  • cunning linguist (n). one whos quick with the tongue.

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 4 of Cunning linguist.

  • Juxtaposition of letters creating words indicating either a clever talker or a sexual act that is, perhaps, preceded by that very same clever banter. Most women, I think, probably prefer a cunning linguist in more ways than one.
    BTW, my old softball team, Cypress, California, was named the cunning linguists, and we licked most of our competition.

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 5 of Cunning linguist.

  • 1)Somebody who advocates licking the pussy.
    2)A glib talker who gets into womens pants.
    3)Foreplay talk.
    4)My old softball team in Cypress, CA, the Cunning Linguists.

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 6 of Cunning linguist.

  • Someone who loves to perform cunnilingus.

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 7 of Cunning linguist.

  • "A cunning linguist"..... OR....a "cunnilinguist This originally appeared in "Playboy" magazine long ago. I remember seeing it as a cartoon in Playboy, in maybe 1958/59. I was then 15/16 and was "buying it for the articles to read."

    Then & now (I'm 76), I've noticed that whenever I say this bad pun & play-on-words to a new person (man OR woman), each & every person would lick his or her lips. Maybe re-thinking past orgasms....?

    Cunning linguist meaning & definition 8 of Cunning linguist.

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