• Australian, British and Irish word for a persons rear end.

    Unlike America, we spell it properly 😛

    Arse meaning & definition 1 of Arse.

  • The original spelling of the word that has now been high jacked by the dumb-arse yanks - still means a rear end or stupid.

    Arse meaning & definition 2 of Arse.

  • The word for a persons rear end spoken by people who use correct english

    Arse meaning & definition 3 of Arse.

  • The correct spelling for a persons buttocks or behind.

    The Americans are stupid and spell it ass like a donkey.

    This term can also be used to insult.

    Arse meaning & definition 4 of Arse.

  • A BUTT. Yes, it is just another word for a butt. Please stop ranting about it.

    Arse meaning & definition 5 of Arse.

  • British, Oz, Irish definition of the derriere, backside, bum, bottom, etc...
    It is NOT a FANNY as you yanks call it, a fanny is a front bottom, vagina, beaver, hairy axe wound etc...

    Arse meaning & definition 6 of Arse.

  • A british slang word, which has the same meaning as [ass], which is bum.

    Can be added to the end of a sentence, to contradict the meaning of the sentence.

    Arse meaning & definition 7 of Arse.

  • Is similar to [Arsenal] as they are both full of shit!

    Arse meaning & definition 8 of Arse.

  • Arse
    Arse refers to the buttocks or in the case of [arsehole], the anus, in British English.
    In most contexts it is the equivalent to [Ass] in American English, but is not a direct replacement.
    Arse is a four letter anglo saxon word. It is earthy, profound and very functional both as a term for parts of the body and as a term of abuse.
    In Countries that speak British English it is considered a little less profound and offensive that certain other well-known four letter words, but still wouldnt be used in polite company.
    In American English speaking countries ‘arse’ is sometimes used as a more polite or less offensive version of ass.
    In British English ass has been used until recently only to refer to a wild donkey.
    Because a wild donkey is stupid and stubborn, ass is used in British English speaking countries as a term of abuse too, but the meaning is subtly different to arse.
    Hence ‘stubborn ass’, as in ‘stubborn as a mule’. Similarly: stupid ass and silly ass,
    Dont be such an ass! Is different in meaning to Dont be such an arse! In British English.
    The sentence I hate that arse, he is such a stubborn ass makes sense in British English. It makes no sense in American English.
    Sometimes people who speak British English use the word ass to refer to the buttocks, too. This is a recent development either because they think it is cool to use America slang (too much television, maybe) or they do not wish to swear, in which case ass is considered a soft alternative, considered suitable by some for children or old ladies.
    Arse is more versatile than ass, being the root for such words as arsey, arseing and arsed.
    Arsey: To be rude or unco-operative.
    Arseing: As in Arseing around, to fool around or be silly.
    Arsed: To take the trouble to do something, as in I cant be arsed to do that

    Arse meaning & definition 9 of Arse.

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