• An Australian term used to describe teenagers who wear a nautica, polo or nike white hat, tilted upright revealing the front of their hair with the strap at the back done up tight so it is dangling out the back, a striped polo or nautica shirt with the collar popped and either saucony or nautica trackies or shorts, topped off with nike Tnz which are fresh. These lads think they are tough but are generally small and skinny and travel in packs trying to roll other innocent bystanders for their worth.

    Lad meaning & definition 1 of Lad.

  • A lad is a male who specialises in creating and distributing exquisite banter. Though most lads are youngish (late teens and early twenties) age is not a defining characteristic and you will find both young lads and old lads. Some special skills of lads include, but are not limited to the following:

    Binning Pints
    Exposing genitalia and getting naked in public places
    Throwing up after copious alcohol consumption
    Spousal Abuse
    Getting kicked out of pubs/nightclubs for being overly offensive

    Excelling in all areas will earn a lad the title of top lad. There is no higher praise that can be bequeathed upon an individual.

    Lad meaning & definition 2 of Lad.

  • The British version of guy

    Lad meaning & definition 3 of Lad.

  • Lad: An australian youth subculture centred around individuals who hang out in gangs, engage in petty theft, pick fights, vandalise property and use foul language which generally involves a great deal of pig latin. Hence the terms adlay and eshays. Lads generally wear white caps tilted up at the front to show the front part of their hair which is often gelled. The strap of the cap is done up tight at the back and the possibility of a rats tails or other such hair style dangling out the back is common. They can be seen wearing white polo shirts, or polo shirts of other colours with short shorts (striped parachute/tracksuit pants in winter) and trainers. They sport brands such as Nautica, Saucony, Nike and Everlast and in addition to this wear ridiculously small bags usually scrawled with graffiti. Lads are now commonplace is many areas of Sydney including but not limited to the inner west, outer west, north west, south and south-west. Lads can be found in most high schools throughout the Sydney metropolitan area, they have a gang mentality which enables them to gain physical superiority over other groups and subcultures and are disliked by the general population. They can often be seen hanging around train stations and shopping centres or just roaming the streets in search of trouble. Lads are generally into rave music and in particular hardstyles such as gabber. They also engage in tagging as graffiti is a large part of the subculture. Lad girls wear similar clothing and often have their hair gelled and tied back tightly, giving it a shiny, sleek and some might say greasy quality.

    Lad meaning & definition 4 of Lad.

  • An English phenonemon, lads hang around in packs, drink heavily, watch soccer and attempt to kill each other afterwards, enjoy pictures of bare naked laydeez while singing inane and tuneless songs all too loudly, such as...

    Lad meaning & definition 5 of Lad.

  • A teen generally located in Western Sydney, Australia. Usually thinking theyre the shit or theyre all that.Generally uneducated and small minded, only skills are stealing and attempting to fight. Wears football shorts or adidas track pants and a polo shirt with the collar up. Generally dirty, skinny and bogan looking. Unliked by everyone except each other. Also abundantly uses the word eshays which is a word the lad subculture invented themselves.

    Lad meaning & definition 6 of Lad.

  • Its Australian term which means a boy at highschool who thinks they are really cool but the only people who think they are cool are other lads.
    They generally wear white or blue polo hats with the bill popped up and Polo shirts with the collar up.

    Lad meaning & definition 7 of Lad.

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