• a complete pimp/stoner who everyone likes and who gets all the girls

    Jesse meaning & definition 1 of Jesse.

  • extremly amazing. very fly. person who is very loved ❤ 🙂

    Jesse meaning & definition 2 of Jesse.

  • A [kind] boy who knows just what to say and when to say it. Often boys with this name end up [charming] any girl who they come in contact with. [Sweet] and [innocent] he is the [perfect] boy. Always [lovable] and [caring].

    Jesse meaning & definition 3 of Jesse.

  • Litteral Meaning- God exists.

    Anyone named Jesse will never die a virgin.

    A very manly man.

    Jesse meaning & definition 4 of Jesse.

  • The most amazing guy any girl could ever ask for.Hes always there when u need him.He has the most gorgeous smile you have ever seen.He always knows how to make u smile even when your day isnt the best.Hes the greatest guy there is out there!!

    Jesse meaning & definition 5 of Jesse.

  • A name for a boy who is unlike anyone else. He is extremely good looking, popular, funny, intelligent, athletic, musically inclined, and will understand you completely. All he wants to do is enjoy life without stress or worry. No one can compare to a Jesse. Though he may be misunderstood by many, he is loved by those who do understand him. If you are one to be close to a Jesse, consider yourself lucky because not many are. Everyone should have the chance to get to know a Jesse. They are truly amazing.

    Jesse meaning & definition 6 of Jesse.

  • an outrageously wild specimen that will make your wildest dreams come true

    Jesse meaning & definition 7 of Jesse.

  • a jesse is an awsome kid who is capabel of many things that are unbelievable to find in one lil person
    hes a very smexii boy who has alot on him mind....might dislike some people but still have the spunk to still be friends and umm hes one smarty/fatty acid

    Jesse meaning & definition 8 of Jesse.

  • An individual who - at some point in their life - will search their own name on UrbanDictionary.com

    Jesse meaning & definition 9 of Jesse.

  • A totally sexy, sweet, awesome man that steals your heart when you least expect him to then makes you feel like a total woman around him with all of his loving caring ways.

    Jesse meaning & definition 10 of Jesse.

  • A [kind] boy who knows just what to say and when to say it. Often boys with this name end up [charming] any girl who they come in contact with. [Sweet] and [innocent] he is the [perfect] boy. Always [lovable] and [caring].

    Jesse meaning & definition 11 of Jesse.

  • a super amazing guy. hes sweet, funny, caring, cute/hot, lovable, playful, and a bit of a [trouble-maker]. he has [pretty eyes], he loves anime and music, and he says some of the sweetest things in the world. hes unique. he always knows how to make you smile or laugh, and can definitely cheer you up when your down. hes very trust-worthy, and you can tell him anything. yes, hes some-what perverted and says perverted things sometimes, but only says it to make people laugh. alot of girls like him, but hes not the type of guy that goes and dates every girl he can get. you should feel special if you [get close] to him, because he doesnt let many people get that close to him. jesse is just awesome.

    Jesse meaning & definition 12 of Jesse.

  • A passionate, intelligent and thoughful man. He is awesome, he will inspire you to live life with courage and becomes that [light of hope] that awakens the soul.The one who captures his heart is a [lucky one] and should only feel pride and love to [be with him]. He desserves only the best.

    Jesse meaning & definition 13 of Jesse.

  • 1.) The Lord Is Here
    2.) The Most [Amazingly Perfect] Person Put On This Earth. He Is Smart, Humoruous, Cute, And Loving. Puts Others Before Himself All The Time. Deserves The World. He Can Be Shy, And Outgoing. He Can Always Put A Smile On Your Face. Very Athletic, To The Point Of Being A Jock. But He Is Understanding Of Others Feelings. Protective Of The Ones He Loves. Very Dominate Personality But, At The Same Time Can Be Fairly [Passive]. Always Honest, Loyal, And Perfect. [Smarts] Are In His Blood. He Is Loved By All. Especially, His Girl.

    Jesse meaning & definition 14 of Jesse.

  • An all around incredible guy. He is extremely good looking, [musically inclined], fit, intelligent, [thoughtful], trustworthy, outgoing, and very lovable. He likes to joke around and can be a bit of a [troublemaker] but only to put a smile on your face. He has a vast collection of random and interesting facts. Says the sweetest things and makes a girl feel like she is the only one alive.

    Jesse meaning & definition 15 of Jesse.

  • Jesse is the most [awesomest] person on the world you will meet. They can be [jerks] at times, but you just [gotta love] him 😄 . You can never hate him. Plus he is the most sexiest person ever!

    Jesse meaning & definition 16 of Jesse.

  • (in the Bible) the father of David (1 Sam. 16), represented as the first in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

    Jesse meaning & definition 17 of Jesse.

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