• Short for cis-gendered, meaning someone who identifies with the sex they were born as. Typically used by whiny tumblr users who complain about not being accepted for who they are and yet bash these cis people for being born and being okay with the sex they were born with.

    Cis meaning & definition 1 of Cis.

  • Commonwealth of Independent States; putative successor to the USSR, except that the Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania never joined. Contrary to another definition of CIS at the Urban Dictionary, the CIS does not stand for Communist Independent States. Moreover, that definition has the CIS existing BEFORE 1991, and includes Kazakhstan as not officially part of the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan was, in fact, one of the 15 republics of the USSR until 1991.
    The CIS came into being December 1991. Mostly consists of regularly scheduled conferences of foreign ministers and defense ministers.
    In 1995, members Belarus and Russia created the Commonwealth of Sovereign Republics ([CSR]).

    Cis meaning & definition 2 of Cis.

  • Because calling someone who doesnt have gender dysphoria normal is oppressive and implies that just because youre born with a penis or a vagina youre a man or a woman.

    Cis meaning & definition 3 of Cis.

  • Normal
    Loud and obnoxious transgender people use it so they can deny the fact that theyre not normal.

    Cis meaning & definition 4 of Cis.

  • Abbreviation for the Confederacy of Independant Systems. Second worst faction in the Star Wars universe beaten only by the wretched Alliance to Restore the Republic/New Republic as THE worst.

    Cis meaning & definition 5 of Cis.

  • (1) Citizenship and Immigration Services; the successor to the investigations and processing arm of the former [Immigration and Naturalization Services] ([INS]) of the USA. In 2003, the INS was dissolved and its enforcement arm transferred to the new [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] (ICE). The INS had formerly been part of the Justice Department; the CIS is part of the [Department of Homeland Security] ([DHS]).
    (2) Center for Immigration Studies, a [thinktank] founded by John Tanton as a project of [FAIR]. The [Southern Poverty Law Center] ([SPLC]) lists the CIS as a racist [nativist] organization with extensive connections with other rightwing organizations.

    Cis meaning & definition 6 of Cis.

  • Cisgender (opposite for transgender). People who like the gender they were born with.

    Cis meaning & definition 7 of Cis.

  • An improperly used latin prefix, used as the opposite of trans. Almost exclusively used in the compound phrase cisgender to refer to people whose biological sex matches their mental gender -- i.e., normal people. Can also be shortened to cishets to refer to people who are both normal and straight.
    Near universally used in a derogatory fashion as a slur by people who think being normal is somehow oppressing them. Typically a warning sign of a Social Justice Warrior or unhinged LGBTQ activist.

    Cis meaning & definition 8 of Cis.

  • A person who is not transgender. In other words this is what about 99% of people are.
    Short for cisgender.
    Unfortunately, cis is sometimes used as an insult by people who want to de-legitimize somebody elses opinion by attacking their identity. [SJWs] frequently resort to calling somebody a privileged, white [cis male] as a way of [countering] an argument (even though they are often just assuming the person in question is cis).
    The phrase cis male can also be used in a totally neutral way without any judgement, depending on the context.

    Cis meaning & definition 9 of Cis.

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