• fat-assed yellow wombat

    Pikachu meaning & definition 1 of Pikachu.

  • Pika = Electric
    Chu = Mouse

    1. Pikachu is an electric mouse found in the games, tv show, and movies of [Pokemon].

    2. The very reason why the show [Pokemon] shouldnt be aired anymore, in english... edited... Because the show has been KIDDYORIZED to attract small children, instead of the intended audiences of Early teens.

    Pikachu meaning & definition 2 of Pikachu.

  • Something that cops should yell when tazing someone

    Pikachu meaning & definition 3 of Pikachu.

  • Just like other japanese pokemon names, the word Pikachu has a childish meaning from onomatopeic expressions such as girigiri and pikapika. Pika is taken from the sound of sparks or the effect of something being shiny. Chu is the sound a mouse makes as well as a kiss. Easy for children to remember and understand. Pikachu is an electric mouse pokemon, although he looks like a rabbit squirrel tiger with cockatiel cheeks. He popularized pokemon and is the main mascot of the show in the united states. Much more popular now that in japan as now japan has been taken over by battle beatles. Some people want him to die and some want to make love to him. I thought he was cute when I was 12.

    Pikachu meaning & definition 4 of Pikachu.

  • An electric mouse pokémon. Many of them gather in electrical storms. It has small pouches on its cheeks that discharge electricity. (from the pokédex)

    A cute, small pokémon that was crossed between a lightning bolt and a mouse. If you grab ones tail, itll shock the pants off ya.

    See [pokemon], [pokémon], [pocket monsters], or [electrical mouse].

    Pikachu meaning & definition 5 of Pikachu.

  • A misunderstood yellow rat-like creature that often shows up on the show [pokemon]. We can all agree that if he wasnt portrayed in a manner that looked like a 4-year olds imagination and if people could actually understand what he was saying, his [cool points] would total around that of Nickelback. His abilities include emitting powerful electric shocks. Recenlty he has attempeted to get his name changed to Brandon.

    Pikachu meaning & definition 6 of Pikachu.

  • While it is an adorable yellow creature, when referred to by Chelsea Handler, it refers to a womans pussy.

    Pikachu meaning & definition 7 of Pikachu.

  • Pretty much the coolest Pokemon EVER.

    Pikachu meaning & definition 8 of Pikachu.

  • Pikachu is an Electric-type Pokemon whos first appearance were in the Japanese video games Pokemon Red and Green (1996). His first appearance in the USA was in the similiar games Pokemon Red and Blue (1998). Contrary to popular belief, the Pokemon anime did not air before the games were released. Pokemon Red and Blue came out on September 1st, 1998, while the anime aired 7 days later on September 8th.
    Pikachus National Dex number is #25. He can evolve to Raichu via exposure to a Thunderstone. A baby form of Pikachu named Pichu was introduced in the Game Boy Color sequels to Red and Blue, Pokemon Gold and Silver (2000). Pichu is #172 in the National Dex, and could only be obtained by breeding a Pikachu or Raichu with another compatible Pokemon.
    Pikachus rise to fame stems from the fact the main character of the Pokemon anime, Ash Ketchum, is given a Pikachu by Professor Oak as a starter Pokemon.
    In Pokemon Red and Blue, the protagonist Red could also obtain a Pokemon from Professor Oak, although his choice was limited to Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle (Pokemon which Ash caught during his quest).
    The character Ash seems to based on Red in appearance only, as Red was a silent protagonist and didnt have a personality.
    Soon after the anime began airing in America, Pikachu became the poster-boy of the Pokemon franchise. Easily the most famous of Pokemon, Pikachu is known by almost everybody in the world and appears on countless Pokemon merchandising.
    In fact, Pikachu became so famous that he became a playable character in the Nintendo fighting game Super Smash Bros. (1999) for the Nintendo 64, along with fellow Pokemon Jigglypuff. Appearing alongside such famous Nintendo fighters as Mario, Link, and Samus Aran only helped propel Pikachu to the level of stardom that he now holds. Pikachu was top tier in the game, and was considered by many players to be the most powerful character in competitively play.
    In the 2 year gap in between the release of Super Smash Bros. and its sequel, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pichu also became a fairly popular character. He, alongside Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Mewtwo, became a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee.
    Pichu was a clone of Pikachu (meaning he had the same moveset), but he was much weaker. He was a bottom tier character - in fact, he was at the very bottom of the tier list. Pikachu himself moved down from top tier to low tier.
    Pikachu has already been confirmed for the upcoming release, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (February 10, 2008), but most believe that Pichu wont return due to him being a clone of Pikachu and being the worst character in the previous game.

    Pikachu meaning & definition 9 of Pikachu.

  • a slang term for vagina, as seen on Chelsea Lately

    Pikachu meaning & definition 10 of Pikachu.

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