• What stupid people say on chats to learn who you are and where you live so they can come to your house with a chainsaw and kill you.

    Asl meaning & definition 1 of Asl.

  • age sex location. which is followed by a block from your buddylist

    Asl meaning & definition 2 of Asl.

    1. Above Sea Level
    2. Age Sex Location
    3. American Sign Language

    Asl meaning & definition 3 of Asl.

  • It means as hell, its ghetto and when you say as hell fast and slurred it sounds like asl.

    Asl meaning & definition 4 of Asl.

  • ASL or asl; Abbreviation for Age, Sex, and Location. Used in computer chat as a question to gain basic personal information. Usually frowned upon as an impersonal and annoying introduction.

    Asl meaning & definition 5 of Asl.

  • The first thing a sexual predator says to his prospective prey.

    Asl meaning & definition 6 of Asl.

  • Easily the most annoying [newbian] acronym. Used by one lazy mother fucker that cant type out Hey, whats your age, sex and location?

    Asl meaning & definition 7 of Asl.

  • ASL Generally means:
    A- Age
    S- Sex (I mean gender)
    L- Location

    Few scients from Mars also told us that ASL can be the [typo] for [AFL].

    Of course ASL can become abusing sometimes, when you
    (1)want to give those asl obsessed idiots a smack down
    (2)Hate ASL question.
    Tell them the 2005 version ASL,
    Which stands for -
    Only thing you can answer is Yes or No, and generally you should answer no.
    Thumb down accepted.

    Asl meaning & definition 8 of Asl.

  • [American Sign Language]. a cultural minority or [Deaf] persons who communicate using gestures and [facial expressions] (signs)

    Asl meaning & definition 9 of Asl.

  • An acronym that stands for age/sex/location. It is a question mostly used by [perverts] who fail to get a real girls attention and has to go online to create a pseudo-romantic situation. However, if one that the [pervert] is talking to is a male or is at an age far too appealing for the pervert, one is likely to face [neglect] or aggression.

    Asl meaning & definition 10 of Asl.

  • Stands for Age, Sex, Location. What it really means is that [whoever] is asking [the question] has an Awful [Sex Life].

    Asl meaning & definition 11 of Asl.

  • A word used by people trying to gain personal information. They usually ask you first, and lie bye either saying they are older or the same age.

    Most people say ª this to hide their age, and mask who they truely are. The dumber people give out their town and street adress. Which is usually followed by mail or a [doorbell] ring.

    If you really are going to give out this basic information, make it as general as possible.

    asl is sometimes written as: [a.s].l, [a/s/l], age, sex, location, a;s;l, a:s:l, or [asl]. There are sometimes captial letters and different arrangements, like: [a/l], [s/l]/a, l/s/a, sex, location, and age, or [lsa].

    Most of the time people know the persons sex, but people like me make it as fun as possible.

    Asl meaning & definition 12 of Asl.

  • Something a newbie will say when meeting people online for the first time. Commonly associated with pedophiles and child [serial] [killers] who use hacksaws and occasionaly [paper cut] their victims to death.

    Asl meaning & definition 13 of Asl.

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