• Two friends who have a sexual realtionship without being emotionally involved. Typically two good friends who have casual sex without a monogomous relationship or any kind of commitment

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 1 of Friends with benefits.

    1. Friends by day, sex partners by night.

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 2 of Friends with benefits.

  • A healthy, fun sexual relationship between two people......
    Until one falls for the other, The friendship blows to
    pieces. And those two people find themselves worse off than
    they were before.

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 3 of Friends with benefits.

    1. A safe relationship, that mimics a real partnership but is void or greatly laking jealousy and other such emotions that come with a serious relationship.

    2. A physically involved relationship, where both partners enjoy some comforts of [sitting on the fence] between serious relationship and simple friendship.

    3. Any realtionship that can only be catagorized as being between Friends and Partners, also refered to as [More then friends]

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 4 of Friends with benefits.

  • two fairly close, or very close friends have the hots for one another. they do have some sort caring for one another, but it is not one of a romantic couple.

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 5 of Friends with benefits.

  • Two very good friends that share in sexual acts with eachother with no emotional connection or boyfriend-girlfriend label. Just engaging in the act of sex for fun.

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 6 of Friends with benefits.

  • A person that you have a sexual relationship without being emotionally involved. However, if youre a girl you know that its impossible to have a sexual relationship without getting your emotions involved. Usually you end up being afraid to tell the person that you want serious committment because you dont want to be rejected. You keep your friends wtih benefits relationship because you are afraid of losing the person all together but it hurts you because you want more. You know you should tell the person how you really feel but you cant because you love them and youre afraid of losing them. When you finally do tell the person that you love them they might tell you that they love you back, if they dont then you can both move on, either way its worth a shot because if you dont ask youll never know.

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 7 of Friends with benefits.

  • A relationship where a man and a woman enjoy having sex with one another, but do not see each other as potential relationship material. Friends with benfits usually never works successfully with ex-boyfriends/girlfriends or anyone else you might have feelings for. The benfits are not exclusive, buyer beware!

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 8 of Friends with benefits.

  • a friend with whom you also have a sexual relationship:

    Friends with benefits meaning & definition 9 of Friends with benefits.

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