• The most used word in the whole fucking universe. Douche bags use it, your kids use it, your mail man uses it, and your fucking dog uses it. If you got swag, you generally wear those shitty hats side way, and your ass hanging out like a fucking goof cause your pants are half way down your white ass legs. To break down the word, it means (Secretly We Are Gay). It is also a word that means to represent yourself/ the way you represent yourself, baggy clothes, shitty hats, small penis and basically a way to say your afraid to come out of the closet.

    Swag meaning & definition 1 of Swag.

  • Orginally from the [Scottish] slang word [swagger] which was a description of the way some Scots walk (in a swaying motion), the word was then misinterpreted by the [English] as the way someone presents themselves. Eg, whether someone looks [cool].
    The word quickly made its way to the states and has ever since become the catchphrase of douchbags and tools everywhere.

    Swag meaning & definition 2 of Swag.

  • A stupid saying thats overused. People [90 per cent are dumb teenagers, 10 per cent are little ass kids trying to be cool] use it for EVERYTHING and also as their facebook name thinking that shits cute: I just opened a cabinet, SWAG. I just fell down, lol, SWAG. SWAGNIFICENT (your name) idontgiveafuq gotsswagg lives in swagtown works at swagville That show was so SWAG. I just finished brushing my teeth, SWAG. Hey guys, just woke up, SWAG. Lol, I got kicked out of class, SWAG. I cursed the teacher out, SWAG. Tumbling on tumblr in class, SWAG. (your name) the swag god texting in class, SWAG ... SWAG. You dont have no motherfucking swag.

    Swag meaning & definition 3 of Swag.

  • S- Something
    W - We
    A - All
    G- Get tired of hearing

    Swag meaning & definition 4 of Swag.

  • Secretly. We. Are. Gay.
    just so you know what people mean when they tlk about their swag

    Swag meaning & definition 5 of Swag.

  • apperance ,style ,or the way he or she presents them selves.

    Swag meaning & definition 6 of Swag.

  • The new generations alternative word for [cool].

    The new generation originally used swag to describe anyone thought to carry themselves in a way considered by some to be sexy / cool.
    Note: considered to be retarded by many others.
    Now it is used to describe anything thought to be cool, initiating the irk of previous generations and members of the new generation that disagree with new words.
    A similar upset arose with [Groovy] v cool. Groovy disappeared from the majority of vocabularies within 10 years, foreshadowing the fate of [swag].

    Said previous generations acronym to make fun of the new phenomenon. S.W.A.G Secretly We Are Gay

    Swag meaning & definition 7 of Swag.

  • An acronym created by a group of men in the United States during the 1960s that means Secretly We Are Gay

    Swag meaning & definition 8 of Swag.

  • A curtain or piece of fabric fastened so as to hang in a drooping curve.

    Swag meaning & definition 9 of Swag.

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