• A day fixed by law for suspension of business; a legal holiday.

    Holiday meaning & definition 1 of Holiday.

  • A certain period (usually a day) during the year which is commemorating a certain religious event (Holy

    Holiday meaning & definition 2 of Holiday.

  • A [politically correct] and [inclusive] term for Thanksgiving and Christmas encouraged by the [liberals].

    Holiday meaning & definition 3 of Holiday.

  • Something thats impossible to enjoy at my house because every holiday ( Especially independance day) My father drinks heavily, throws his old vietnam uniform on, grabs his m-14, and fires at my neighbor who just happens to be vietnamese while he shouts

    Holiday meaning & definition 4 of Holiday.

  • a) a time of year when you're supposed to sit back and reflect and give thanks and shit like that but actually everyone just gets drunk and eats a lot and spends lots of money because our society advocates wasting insane amounts of dough to celebrate

    b) a really, really kick-ass song by green day. a dark political anthem that truly encompasses america's depressing military situation

    Holiday meaning & definition 5 of Holiday.

  • Painter's slang for an area accidentally left unpainted or inadequately covered.

    Holiday meaning & definition 6 of Holiday.

  • An opportunity for [relatives] to come around and say stupid shit like: Why haven't you found a [wife] yet.

    Holiday meaning & definition 7 of Holiday.

  • british/austrailian slang for vacation.

    Holiday meaning & definition 8 of Holiday.

  • A word that half the bands ever have had in one of their song names

    Holiday meaning & definition 9 of Holiday.

  • time away from work/ school

    [wonderfulest] part of the [year].. especially when the holiday is for [weeks]/months

    Holiday meaning & definition 10 of Holiday.

  • When people work [the 9] to 5 rather than the typical 14-16 hour workdays. An hour [lunch break] may be taken on these days, but is still [frowned upon]. Some people may catch a holiday and become quite unresponsive. Stay away from these people.

    Holiday meaning & definition 11 of Holiday.

  • An extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling.

    Holiday meaning & definition 12 of Holiday.

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