• Peace; -- a word used in composition, especially in propernames; as, Alfred; Frederic.

    Fred meaning & definition 1 of Fred.

  • Some obnoxious kid on [YouTube] who tries to be funny by speeding up his voice and making it high pitched. All he does is talk about random stuff in that annoying-ass voice the whole time. And yes, I've watched it and it is awful. I honestly do not know how people think this garbage is funny.

    Fred meaning & definition 2 of Fred.

  • A person who does stupid, annoying, or idiotic things.

    Fred meaning & definition 3 of Fred.

  • A character on YouTube created by Lucas Cruishank on the channel fred. It is currently the most popular and most subscribed channel. It was also the first ever channel on YouTube to hit 1,000,000 subscribers, with the second being nigahiga.

    Fred is basically a 6-year-old that got access to PCP somehow. He talks in a high-pitched voice and runs around like a dog just bit him in the ass. He lives with his less than supportive mother and grandmother. Fred's father is in Guantanamo or Alcatraz, I'm not sure and I don't think it was ever clarified. His love intrest is a bully named Judy in love with another bully named Kevin. They both pick on Fred.

    I, personally, don't hate Lucas, but I really am not a fan of the character Fred. It really isn't incredibly funny. Actually, when I first saw it, I actually forced a laugh. Not the best comedy or entertainment...

    However, what pisses me of is his publicity. He isn't even funny, but he's managed to recieve media attention and he's been on a popular TV show. I think he's going to be on another one soon! Bullshit. Just, bullshit. At this point I have a feeling, within a year, this will be a full-fledged TV show. Something ANYONE could have done getting on TV? Imagine THAT...

    What pisses me off the most are his fanboys and fangirls, but then again... all types of those piss EVERYONE off...

    The only thing more annoying, though are the people who start Anti-Fred groups and campaigns and post SPAM everywhere talking about their plot (which ULTIMATELY fails anyway) to end Fred. It won't happen for a LONG one jackasses... get a LIFE!

    That pretty much sums it up...

    Fred meaning & definition 4 of Fred.

  • The most over rated person on YouTube. He is a tennager that runs around in circles saying random things. He punches himself in the balls so he has a really high-pitched voice. Sadly, over one million people think his videos are funny. He has no talent.

    Fred meaning & definition 5 of Fred.

  • Fred n. 1) a person who spends a lot of money on his bike and clothing, but still can't ride, Poser. 2) A person who has a mishmash of old gear, doesn't care at all about technology or fashion, didn't race or follow racing, etc. Often identified by chain ring marks on white calf socks. Myth has it that Fred was actually a well-known grumpy old touring rider.

    Some Freds are actually powerful riders that just don't care what others think.

    Fred meaning & definition 6 of Fred.

  • another term for Bastard

    Fred meaning & definition 7 of Fred.

  • an awesome guy who is good at sports, and super smart. tends to have cool hair. Freds are cute, super super hot amazin in bed a perfect kisser and has a big dick, best friend you will ever have. good at xbox. laughs at almost everything, so great sense of Humor. if you know a Fred then you are lucky

    Fred meaning & definition 8 of Fred.

  • One of the best people on earth. Trustworthy, kind and pretty damn close to perfect. The best friend a person could get.

    Fred meaning & definition 9 of Fred.

  • FReD is a proven Mobile Field Reporting Tool for large field teams to improve efficiency of field operations. A software product by 360 Field Reporting Company

    Fred meaning & definition 10 of Fred.

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