• Any bottom-fermenting ale. Although the term is used now to refer exclusively to light-coloured German- and Scandinavian-style beers, Lager was not light coloured until Urquell produced their Pilsener Beer in 1868. Until then, all lagers were a darkish colour and a sweeter flavour.

    Interestingly, Pilsener is now a term applied to beer that doesn't meet strict Northern European purity standards and cannot be called lager.

    Also used with a modifier (-lout) to describe the behaviour of young (usually) men after cosuming large amounts of this very drinkable beer. This usage may now be archaic, being largely an invention of the British tabloid press in the 1980's.

    Lager meaning & definition 1 of Lager.

  • Term used to describe a Yuengling lager beer at a bar, more commonly used in the East Coast region (mainly in the Atlantic area of Philly, NJ, DE).
    Although lager is a style of beer, saying lager will produce a Yuengling Lager beer.

    Lager meaning & definition 2 of Lager.

  • Lager is a beer that is fermented at relatively cold temperatures. Lager is NOT an ale. Lager yeast strains perform best at these cold temperatures, while ale strains create a violent fermentation whose yeast is suspended in the whole column of the fermentation. Ale yeast can be cropped from the top in a froth that collects from this violent CO2 production, and is therefore labelled top

    Lager meaning & definition 3 of Lager.

  • Örtlichkeit oder Gebäude, welches die zeitliche Überbrückung des Lagergutes ermöglicht. Dies kann notwendig sein, um einen gewissen Reifeprozeß abzuschließen oder aber die Unterschiede in der Produktion und im Absatz ausgleichen.

    Lager meaning & definition 4 of Lager.

  • A young male with smooth hair and nice teeth that posts at www.panterchat.com.

    Lager meaning & definition 5 of Lager.

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