• [The ghost] of a popular [spring break] party of the same name. Freaknik took place in Atlanta in the 90s. The city-wide celebration was killed by the local authorities. This party later returned in the form of a singing ghost. Popularized in the [Adult Swim] movie Freaknik - The Musical

    (proper name)

    Freaknik meaning & definition 1 of Freaknik.

  • Freaknik was an annual spring break meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, primarily of students from historically black colleges and universities. Begun in 1983 as a small picnic near the Atlanta University Center, it was initially sponsored by the DC Metro Club and was typically held during the third weekend in April to coincide with the schools of the Atlanta University Centers Reading Day. The event increased in size and popularity in the 1990s with dancing, drinking, parties, a basketball tournament, rap sessions, a film festival and a job fair.

    Freaknik meaning & definition 2 of Freaknik.

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