• A score of one run.

    Single meaning & definition 8 of Single.

  • A hit in baseball where the batter advances to first base.

    Single meaning & definition 9 of Single.

  • A tile that has different values (i.e., number of pips) in each end.

    Single meaning & definition 10 of Single.

  • To identify or select one member of a group from the others; generally used with out, either to single out or to single (something) out.

    Single meaning & definition 11 of Single.

  • Not accompanied by anything else.

    Single meaning & definition 12 of Single.

  • Simple and honest; sincere, without deceit.

    Single meaning & definition 13 of Single.

  • In general, the term single refers to something that is individual, separate, or existing in a solitary state. It can describe a person who is not married or in a committed relationship, a song or musical track released separately rather than as part of an album, or an object that is not part of a set or pair. The concept of being single can vary in meaning depending on the context in which it is used.

    Single meaning & definition 14 of Single.

  • one only, as distinguished from more than one; consisting of one alone; individual; separate; as, a single star

    Single meaning & definition 15 of Single.

  • not doubled, twisted together, or combined with others; as, a single thread; a single strand of a rope

    Single meaning & definition 16 of Single.

  • performed by one person, or one on each side; as, a single combat

    Single meaning & definition 17 of Single.

  • uncompounded; pure; unmixed

    Single meaning & definition 18 of Single.

  • not deceitful or artful; honest; sincere

    Single meaning & definition 19 of Single.

  • to sequester; to withdraw; to retire

    Single meaning & definition 20 of Single.

  • to take alone, or one by one

    Single meaning & definition 21 of Single.

  • a unit; one; as, to score a single

    Single meaning & definition 22 of Single.

  • a handful of gleaned grain

    Single meaning & definition 23 of Single.

  • a game with but one player on each side; -- usually in the plural

    Single meaning & definition 24 of Single.

  • a hit by a batter which enables him to reach first base only

    Single meaning & definition 25 of Single.

  • sing′gl, adj. consisting of one only: individual, unique: separate, private: alone: unmarried: not combined with others: unmixed: having one only on each side: straightforward: sincere: simple, normal: pure.—v.t. to separate: to choose one from others: to select from a number.—adjs. Sing′le-act′ing, acting effectively in one direction only—of any reciprocating machine or implement; Sing′le-breast′ed, with a single row of buttons or loops only, of a coat, corsage, c.—n. Single-en′try, a system of book-keeping in which each entry appears only once on one side or other of an account.—adj. Sing′le-eyed, having but one eye: devoted, unselfish.—ns. Sing′le-flow′er, a flower containing a single set of petals, as a wild rose; Sing′le-foot, a gait of horses, the amble.—adjs. Sing′le-hand′ed, by ones self: unassisted: having only one workman; Sing′le-heart′ed, having a single or sincere heart: without duplicity.—adv. Sing′le-heart′edly.—adj. Sing′le-mind′ed, having a single or sincere mind: upright.—ns. Sing′le-mind′edness; Sing′leness, state of being single or alone: freedom from deceit: sincerity: simplicity.—adj. Sing′le-soled, having a single sole, as a shoe: poor.—ns. Sing′le-stick, a stick or cudgel for one hand: a fight or game with singlesticks; Sing′let, an undershirt or waistcoat; Sing′leton, in whist, a hand containing one card only of some suit; Sing′letree (the same as Swingletree); Sing′le-wom′an, an unmarried woman: (obs.) a whore.—adv. Sing′ly, one by one: particularly: alone: by ones self: honestly: sincerely. [O. Fr.,—L. sin-gulus, one to each, separate, akin to sem-el, once, Gr. ham-a.]

    Single meaning & definition 26 of Single.

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