• The name for a hidden [container] (or even a place) used in [the hobby] of [geocaching]

    Cache meaning & definition 4 of Cache.

  • A term that refers to a woman with a [butt chin], who can [devour] [sushi] for days upon end.

    Cache meaning & definition 5 of Cache.

  • [Fresh]. for something to look fly or cool
    Pronounced- [ka] [chey]

    Cache meaning & definition 6 of Cache.

  • When you are done [smoking] [marijuana] and only [ashes] are left.

    Cache meaning & definition 7 of Cache.

  • A store of things that may be required in the future, which can be retrieved rapidly, protected or hidden in some way.

    Cache meaning & definition 8 of Cache.

  • a secret store of valuables or money

    Cache meaning & definition 9 of Cache.

  • (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics

    Cache meaning & definition 10 of Cache.

  • save up as for future use

    Cache meaning & definition 11 of Cache.

  • To store in a cache.

    Cache meaning & definition 12 of Cache.

  • A container containing treasure in a global treasure-hunt game.

    Cache meaning & definition 13 of Cache.

  • To place in a cache.

    Cache meaning & definition 14 of Cache.

  • a hole in the ground, or hiding place, for concealing and preserving provisions which it is inconvenient to carry

    Cache meaning & definition 15 of Cache.

  • In computer science, a cache is a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. The data that is stored within a cache might be values that have been computed earlier or duplicates of original values that are stored elsewhere. If requested data is contained in the cache, this request can be served by simply reading the cache, which is comparatively faster. Otherwise, the data has to be recomputed or fetched from its original storage location, which is comparatively slower. Hence, the greater the number of requests that can be served from the cache, the faster the overall system performance becomes.
    To be cost efficient and to enable an efficient use of data, caches are relatively small. Nevertheless, caches have proven themselves in many areas of computing because access patterns in typical computer applications have locality of reference. References exhibit temporal locality if data is requested again that has been recently requested already. References exhibit spatial locality if data is requested that is physically stored close to data that has been requested already.

    Cache meaning & definition 16 of Cache.

  • name given in Canada to a hole in the ground for hiding provisions when they prove cumbersome to carry.

    Cache meaning & definition 17 of Cache.

  • A source of subsistence and supplies, typically containing items such as food, water, medical items, and/or communications equipment, packaged to prevent damage from exposure and hidden in isolated locations by such methods as burial, concealment, and/or submersion, to support isolated personnel. See also concealment; evader; evasion; recovery; recovery operations.

    Cache meaning & definition 18 of Cache.

  • A hidden reservoir of provision (to secure it from bears) in
    Arctic travel. Also, a deposit of despatches, c.

    Cache meaning & definition 19 of Cache.

  • a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)

    Cache meaning & definition 20 of Cache.

  • That which is hidden in a cache; a hoard; a stockpile.

    Cache meaning & definition 21 of Cache.

  • A fast temporary storage where recently- or frequently-used information is stored to avoid having to reload it from a slower storage medium.

    Cache meaning & definition 22 of Cache.

  • For the herb in a bowl to be entirely burnt to ashes and therefore having become empty, gone, or useless for further smoking

    Cache meaning & definition 23 of Cache.

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