• of Lead. Led captain. An obsequious follower or attendant.[Obs.] Swift.-- Led horse, a sumpter horse, or a spare horse, that is led along.

    Led meaning & definition 1 of Led.

  • Light Emiting Diode
    A magical light that has no other match for it. It consumes just a couple of volts (2.4 - 4.8) and VERY few mA (20-50) and in return it provides a steady and constant lightsource with a lifespan of almost 11 years!
    It's definitely a breakthrough in lighting devices since it's properties make it inexchangable with old fashioned burn-bulbs.

    High luminosity in low voltage
    Huge lifespan
    Very low consumption
    Immediate response in current variations


    Cannot compete bulb luminosity in high voltages
    Very sensitive to slight voltage changes (can burn very easily)
    Cannot be used in high voltages except with the help of voltage limiters (transformers/resistances)
    Does not work with AC currents since ALL diodes have a certain unchangable polarity.

    Colour variations:
    Red, Yellow, Green are the most common.
    Blue and White are more recent.
    Other colours in construction since the light depends on the material of the chip nested inside the LED.
    Leds exist in clear caps or in coloured caps. Clear caps usually have more power needs and also, Blue/White have increased power consumption compared to all other colours.
    A LED can be used to save lives (like in medical equipment to show your alcohol levels in your blood) or even take lives as well (like show how much battery left you have in your lightning fartgun).
    It can also be used to hypnotize some nerds who see it and just get mesmerized and can do most of the things you tell them, EXCEPT lend you some LEDs from their collection!
    Note: Subhuman creatures who know NOTHING about LEDs but have one (or more) blue LEDs in their cars (or similar vehicles/devices/appliances), should stick them up where the sun doesn't shine and not touch them and infect them with their brainlackitis.

    Led meaning & definition 2 of Led.

  • Short for led zeppelin

    Led meaning & definition 3 of Led.

  • Leisure Enhancing Drugs

    Led meaning & definition 4 of Led.

  • Past tense and past participle of lead, contrary to popular belief (As far too many things are). The word which is spelled lead but pronounced like led is a kind of metal, not a verb.

    Led meaning & definition 5 of Led.

  • Liquid, explosive, diarrhea

    Led meaning & definition 6 of Led.

  • LED is another way of saying MATE or DUDE.

    Led meaning & definition 7 of Led.

    1. 'lad' but in a cookstown accent
    2. Cool

    Led meaning & definition 8 of Led.

  • A very scary, yet lovable and destructive, woman who is in love with bunnies and Shotguns.

    Led meaning & definition 9 of Led.

  • The past tense of lay!

    Led meaning & definition 10 of Led.

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